Donald Trump’s most notorious fans hit the panic button in fear that the big bombshell is imminent

By Bill Palmer | Jul 26, 2017

Donald Trump’s transgender military ban is a coldly calculated strategic move in his feud with Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | Jul 26, 2017

“You’re as good as dead”: cracking under pressure, Donald Trump’s pal Roger Stone goes further off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Jul 26, 2017

Dejected Donald Trump is too far gone to even write his own deranged tweets anymore

By Bill Palmer | Jul 26, 2017

Donald Trump is worried TrumpCare vote will fail, begins lashing out at Republicans

By Bill Palmer | Jul 26, 2017

Thanks to Donald Trump’s big mouth, Democrats have figured out how to block his Attorney General recess appointment

By Bill Palmer | Jul 26, 2017

Finally, trouble in Trump’s base: Breitbart sides with Jeff Sessions, slams Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2017

Donald Trump’s violent demented story about chopping up young girls may be his sickest moment yet

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2017

Some key Donald Trump allies are turning against him amid his attacks on Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2017

Donald Trump rally scrapes bottom of barrel as he runs out of family members who aren’t under investigation

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2017

Unhappy Rex Tillerson and James Mattis both go on “vacation” amid buzz of Tillerson’s resignation

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2017

The strange, lonely, and defiant role of Chuck Grassley in the Trump-Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2017

Flailing Donald Trump falsely accuses deputy FBI Director of taking a bribe from Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2017

Paul Manafort gets surprise subpoena: either he’s flipped on Donald Trump, or he’s decided to go down in flames

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2017

Donald Trump’s Boy Scouts speech meltdown said to be hastening Rex Tillerson’s resignation

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2017

Donald Trump, the worst father of all time, drags eleven year old Barron into his Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2017

In wake of Jeff Sessions flap, Rudy Giuliani distances himself from Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 25, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci just sent himself to prison if he ghost-wrote Donald Trump’s latest Twitter rant

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Donald Trump may have just leaked classified information during his Twitter rant

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Donald Trump just tipped off that the Washington Post’s big Trump-Russia bombshell is about to drop

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

DOJ insider thinks Donald Trump’s Saturday Night Massacre is coming within days

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Jared Kushner admits someone claiming to be a Russian hacker tried to blackmail Donald Trump just days before the election

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Deranged Donald Trump babbles about politicians and cocktail parties while speaking to Boy Scouts

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Jill Stein is making herself look more guilty in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal by the minute

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Mentally deteriorating Donald Trump thinks Obamacare has been around for seventeen years

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Donald Trump can’t take the heat over Jeff Sessions scandal, rolls his eyes and pleads “Be quiet!”

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Jared Kushner had recent business connection to Russian attorney he just testified he didn’t recognize

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Jared Kushner tried to create evidence trail of deniability while he was still in meeting with Russian government lawyer

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

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