Prankster turns Donald Trump’s “local milk people” remark into the perfect anti-Trump protest

By Bill Palmer | Aug 4, 2017

Mitch McConnell caught taking millions of dollars from Russian oligarch

By Bill Palmer | Aug 4, 2017

Photo of Steve Bannon’s office whiteboard strategic plans unwittingly posted online by his associate

By Bill Palmer | Aug 4, 2017

Donald Trump and the Secret Service are undergoing a curiously timed divorce

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski hit Donald Trump yet again, in a way that’ll hurt him

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

Senator points to Special Counsel indictments for Donald Trump’s family

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

Lisa Murkowski deals major new blow to Donald Trump as Senate heads into recess [updated]

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice switches to Republican Party – and it may be good news for Democrats

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

It’s official: Republicans in Congress want Donald Trump gone

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

Michael Flynn admits consulting for data firm suspected of conspiring with Russia to rig election for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

Grand jury, subpoenas, surveillance: Donald Trump’s Russia scandal is hitting the fan today for a reason

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

Turns out the Feds had Carter Page under FISA surveillance the entire time he worked for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

Robert Mueller comes out swinging against Donald Trump and Russia with grand jury subpoenas

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

New emails show we cut Donald Trump’s balls off during the Muslim Ban and we didn’t even know it

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

Unsealed records show Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban was really a fascist attempt at destroying Congress

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

Donald Trump goes berserk again, begins attacking Golf Magazine

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

Russian government declares war on the Republican Congress

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

Secretary of Defense James Mattis outraged after rabid Donald Trump insults military top brass

By Bill Palmer | Aug 3, 2017

Countdown clock says Steve Bannon will be fired in three weeks

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

Investigators may have just tied the Donald Trump Jr. Russia meeting back to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

Vladimir Putin “ready to cut his losses” on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev publicly humiliates Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

Donald Trump’s White House in full scale meltdown as Ezra Cohen-Watnick is third NSC official fired this week

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

Next to go? Steve Bannon’s loyalists suddenly being fired from National Security Council in rapid fashion

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

Multiple reports say Donald Trump spoke with Vladimir Putin just before signing Russian sanctions bill

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

As polls show his base is finally giving up on him, Donald Trump tries desperate racist bid to slow the bleeding

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

Jeff Sessions goes full White Supremacist as his feud with Donald Trump escalates

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Fact check: can Donald Trump use a “pocket veto” to kill the Russian sanctions bill?

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

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