Donald Trump’s former ghostwriter says latest Russia bombshell will take him down

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2017

Barack Obama speaks up and shows how a President should respond during Hurricane Harvey

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2017

James Mattis and Rex Tillerson both publicly distance themselves from Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2017

Donald Trump, Ivanka, Donald Jr and a Russian mafia figure were trying to build Trump Tower Moscow during election

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2017

Joe Biden, Eric Holder and Preet Bharara all lash out at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2017

Howard Dean says follow the money on Jill Stein, Donald Trump and Russia

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2017

Donald Trump is screwing up his Hurricane Harvey response in ways that only he could

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2017

In midst of hurricane crisis, Donald Trump resorts to cronyism antics

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2017

Donald Trump’s “reimbursement/other” remark confirms he’s failing on every level

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2017

Donald Trump cravenly uses Hurricane Harvey as excuse to brag about election results and worse

By Bill Palmer | Aug 27, 2017

Republican Party scrambles behind the scenes over Donald Trump impeachment talk

By Bill Palmer | Aug 26, 2017

Report: Donald Trump has resorted to spending most of his day blocking people on Twitter

By Bill Palmer | Aug 26, 2017

Maxine Waters says Donald Trump knows the walls are closing in on him

By Bill Palmer | Aug 26, 2017

Here comes Donald Trump’s vicious attack on Paul Ryan

By Bill Palmer | Aug 26, 2017

Donald Trump tried to sneak in Joe Arpaio’s pardon during a hurricane. It backfired.

By Bill Palmer | Aug 26, 2017

Pardon me while I burst into flames

By Bill Palmer | Aug 26, 2017

Donald Trump’s pardon of Joe Arpaio is a trial balloon for his Russia endgame

By Bill Palmer | Aug 26, 2017

Donald Trump is accelerating his endgame

By Bill Palmer | Aug 26, 2017

Donald Trump appears to have personally profited financially from Charlottesville white supremacist rally

By Bill Palmer | Aug 26, 2017

Democratic and Republican Senators condemn Donald Trump over his pardon of racist criminal Joe Arpaio

By Bill Palmer | Aug 25, 2017

Donald Trump’s crappy response to Hurricane Harvey already has “Katrina” trending

By Bill Palmer | Aug 25, 2017

What the Washington Post may have just given away about its upcoming Trump-Russia bombshell

By Bill Palmer | Aug 25, 2017

Robert Mueller drops the hammer on Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn to get them to flip on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 25, 2017

Donald Trump reaches new low by pardoning his racist criminal pal Joe Arpaio

By Bill Palmer | Aug 25, 2017

Sebastian Gorka has resigned from Trump’s White House. I did Nazi that coming. No wait, I predicted it last week.

By Bill Palmer | Aug 25, 2017

Tone-deaf Donald Trump seems really impressed with how powerful Hurricane Harvey is

By Bill Palmer | Aug 25, 2017

Donald Trump’s attack on Republican Senator Bob Corker reveals just how cut off he is

By Bill Palmer | Aug 25, 2017

Donald Trump crassly yells “Good Luck” at those facing Hurricane Harvey, then heads out on vacation

By Bill Palmer | Aug 25, 2017

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