Eric Trump suggests Donald Trump has to stay oblivious so he doesn’t get depressed and kill himself

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Donald Trump may have just given away that he doesn’t have the Republican votes for his last hurrah

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

The one big clue that Donald Trump thinks the end of his presidency is near

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Chuck Grassley pushes back after Donald Trump tries to bribe him over Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

GOP Congressman who’s trying to shut down Robert Mueller probe is now under investigation himself

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Senate Republicans go into hiding as Donald Trump melts down

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Donald Trump tries to get it right for once, still blows it

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Trump Tower Moscow project was tied to Donald Trump Jr’s Russia meeting

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Donald Trump sent hidden tweet about Trump Tower Moscow to organizer of Trump Jr’s Russia meeting

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2017

Secretary of Defense James Mattis openly defies Donald Trump’s orders

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2017

Donald Trump’s response to Hurricane Harvey is so bad, even the Bush administration is slamming him for it

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2017

Robert Mueller’s latest aggressive move may explain why Paul Manafort’s attorneys quit on him

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2017

State Attorney General prepared to take over Russia probe if Donald Trump fires Mueller or pardons advisers

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2017

Sean Spicer gets his revenge on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2017

During speech on his Texas disaster tour, Donald Trump inexplicably boasts about the crowd size

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2017

During trip to Texas amid flooding, Melania Trump reminds us just how tone-deaf she is

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2017

Donald Trump tries to personally profit from his Texas flooding visit

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2017

Donald Trump’s Day From Hell

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2017

Here comes Donald Trump’s ultimate meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Aug 29, 2017

Senile Donald Trump thinks two different reporters sitting next to each other are the same person

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2017

Donald Trump is too senile to even know the walls are closing in on him

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2017

Upset over Phoenix crowd size, Donald Trump fires the guy who organizes his rallies

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2017

Donald Trump meets with President of Finland, doesn’t appear to know his name

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2017

Donald Trump’s own advisers think he’s going to be impeached

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2017

Michael Cohen admits Donald Trump signed letter of intent to build Trump Tower Moscow during election

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2017

Ivanka Trump just came front and center in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2017

Michael Cohen has been cooperating with the probe into Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2017

Trump Tower Moscow bombshell #3: Donald Trump was trying to work with Vladimir Putin himself during election

By Bill Palmer | Aug 28, 2017

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