Donald Trump’s bodyguard Keith Schiller, who was sent to fire James Comey, abruptly resigns amid scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 1, 2017

New James Comey revelation merely proves there was never any evidence against Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | Sep 1, 2017

Republican Party hits panic button, unwittingly admits its own guilt in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 1, 2017

Donald Trump’s attorney: I would like to be excluded from this narrative

By Bill Palmer | Sep 1, 2017

Hey Donald Trump: don’t look now, but Mike Pence is trying to do away with you

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

Preet Bharara says latest move by Donald Trump’s attorneys is a sign they know he’s in trouble

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

Donald Trump has had it with “church lady” John Kelly

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

Donald Trump’s frustrated Secretary of State Rex Tillerson considering “imminent” resignation

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

Democratic Senator Ron Wyden gets Donald Trump official to resign by calling his bluff

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

Donald Trump’s attorneys make desperate moves as Special Counsel Robert Mueller closes in

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

Republican National Committee top staffer resigns as Trump-Russia “RNC donations” scandal explodes

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

RNC Chair Reince Priebus was at Trump Tower when Trump team and Russia were plotting illegal RNC donations

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

Paul Manafort’s notes from Donald Trump Jr meeting implicate entire Republican Party in Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

No wonder Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are afraid of Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

Donald Trump’s bizarre new belated response to Russia’s expulsion of U.S. diplomats

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

Donald Trump waves the white flag

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

Donald Trump, invalid

By Bill Palmer | Aug 31, 2017

Donald Trump’s nominees are trying to figure out how to survive once he’s ousted

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Laurence Tribe says Robert Mueller’s latest move means Donald Trump’s “goose is cooked”

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Kamala Harris just signaled that she’s running for President in 2020

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Mike Pence deletes tweet about Hurricane Harvey

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Robert Mueller has figured out how to prevent Donald Trump from pardoning his co-conspirators

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Donald Trump’s jaded base is hanging on by a thread

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Federal investigation launched into Donald Trump’s Washington DC hotel

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Senate Intel Committee targets Russian puppet Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Ivanka Trump officially abandons her one big campaign promise

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

Vladimir Putin throws Donald Trump under the bus in Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

CNN bails on Donald Trump’s incoherent Missouri speech almost immediately

By Bill Palmer | Aug 30, 2017

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