Donald Trump suffers yet another prominent resignation

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2017

The moment Donald Trump knew the gig was up

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2017

Adam Schiff is on a quest to uncover Donald Trump’s Pee Pee Tape

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2017

Donald Trump tries to bluff with nothing but a pair of twos

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2017

Donald Trump can kiss my white ass

By Bill Palmer | Sep 5, 2017

Donald Trump, gutless wonder

By Bill Palmer | Sep 5, 2017

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is having the worst day ever

By Bill Palmer | Sep 5, 2017

John McCain and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats spotted together abroad

By Bill Palmer | Sep 5, 2017

Donald Trump brags that it’s going to be a “big week!” He’s right – but he’s going to hate it.

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Donald Trump is scared of his own shadow

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Donald Trump has become such a weakling, he’s even being blackmailed by lame duck Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Donald Trump hits “rock bottom”

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Donald Trump is “exasperated” and he’s afraid of what comes next

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Get ready for “daily, sometimes hourly leaks” in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Russian official confirms blackmail material on Donald Trump, discusses releasing it

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Ivanka Trump’s business partner busted in Russian money laundering scheme

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

White House council member lashes out at “liar” Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

If Donald Trump wants to kick out illegal immigrants, he’ll have to start with his own wife

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

How the Democrats will take Mike Pence down in flames

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

The media is misrepresenting the Democrats and their opposition to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

As her father went berserk, Ivanka Trump spent the morning “liking” pictures of herself

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Paul Ryan is having the worst day ever

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Donald Trump unwittingly admits he can’t win

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Donald Trump’s stupidity sends the Republican Party spiraling

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Donald Trump’s father was arrested at a KKK rally

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Donald Trump’s Labor Day from Hell

By Bill Palmer | Sep 4, 2017

Weakling coward Donald Trump trips over his own DACA rollback

By Bill Palmer | Sep 3, 2017

Donald Trump is officially under investigation for Russian financial scheme during election

By Bill Palmer | Sep 3, 2017

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