Rush Limbaugh evacuates from Hurricane Irma after having told his audience it was just a liberal hoax

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2017

Donald Trump takes desperate measures to prevent Mike Pence from looking presidential during Hurricane Irma

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2017

Felix Sater’s letter to Michael Cohen surfaces, directly incriminating Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2017

Donald Trump is about to lose yet another top White House staffer

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2017

Donald Trump, oblivious

By Bill Palmer | Sep 8, 2017

Nancy Pelosi is now in control of Donald Trump’s Twitter account

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Rachel Maddow reveals just how screwed Mike Pence is in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Former U.S. Presidents may be laying the groundwork to jointly come out against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Adam Schiff catches Donald Trump Jr changing his story during testimony in a way that incriminates Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

All five living former U.S. Presidents come together for new initiative, but Donald Trump is left out

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s attorney’s wife arrested

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Donald Trump Jr proves he’s even dumber than we all thought

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Fact check: did FBI Director Christopher Wray say Donald Trump hasn’t interfered in the Russia investigation?

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Senate Intel confirms Trump-Russia Facebook scandal is just the tip of the iceberg

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Senator hints that Donald Trump Jr has been nailed by his own testimony

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Special Counsel Robert Mueller targets Donald Trump’s senior staff

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Feds put the screws to Rudy Giuliani to try to get him to flip on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Donald Trump Jr gives bumbling testimony, unwittingly nails his father for obstruction of justice

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Facebook sent its employees to Donald Trump’s campaign office to help with online marketing

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

The real reason Donald Trump suddenly loves going to Camp David

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are destroying each other and it’s a beautiful thing

By Bill Palmer | Sep 7, 2017

Clueless Donald Trump admits he didn’t know a drought could happen up north

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2017

Donald Trump’s island home has “probably been destroyed” by Hurricane Irma

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2017

Nancy Pelosi outmaneuvers Donald Trump, reminds us why she’s the Democratic House leader

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2017

Donald Trump administration rocked by personal email scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2017

Russian Facebook ad buy blows Donald Trump’s Russia scandal wide open

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2017

Stop trying to figure out Donald Trump’s evil strategy

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2017

The real reason Donald Trump is desperate enough to give away the store to the Democrats

By Bill Palmer | Sep 6, 2017

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