GOP leader: Donald Trump has “blown up” and “destroyed” his own base

By Bill Palmer | Sep 14, 2017

As his world crashes down on him, Donald Trump has total late-night Twitter meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2017

Donald Trump is in total freefall

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2017

Robert Mueller is destroying Michael Flynn’s entire family to get to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2017

New evidence confirms Steve Bannon is knee-deep in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2017

Laurence Tribe: an “avalanche” of Trump-Russia indictments is coming, with Donald Trump as co-conspirator

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2017

Robert Mueller sets a trap to further incriminate Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2017

Teflon Don? No, Donald Trump hasn’t gotten away with any of this

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2017

House Democrats drop a house on Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2017

Democrats win two more special elections in Republican districts

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2017

Here comes Robert Mueller’s FBI raid of Michael Flynn’s house

By Bill Palmer | Sep 13, 2017

Donald Trump’s friends are making increasingly desperate excuses for his deteriorating cognitive abilities

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2017

Sarah Huckabee Sanders may now be on the hook for obstruction of justice in Mueller probe

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2017

Republican insiders: Robert Mueller is “going for the kill” against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2017

There’s something incredibly suspicious about the promotion Donald Trump gave Hope Hicks today

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2017

Donald Trump signals he’s afraid of Russian TV news network

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2017

During speech, Donald Trump confused 9/11 with “7-Eleven”

By Bill Palmer | Sep 12, 2017

Republican Senate fights back against Donald Trump, backs him into a corner

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2017

Donald Trump’s Russia lawyers may have just unwittingly waived privilege

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2017

Jared Kushner is even more screwed than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2017

Here comes Donald Trump’s unhinged meltdown about James Comey

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2017

Donald Trump invents bizarre lie about Hurricane Irma

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2017

Russian official openly brags that Russia stole the election for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2017

Donald Trump’s senility has grown so obvious, his allies are going to absurd lengths to try to cover for it

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2017

The real reason Reince Priebus and Don McGahn have hired the same Trump-Russia attorney

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2017

Donald Trump’s bizarre “big monster” comment doesn’t go over well

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2017

Unaired portion of 60 Minutes interview probably just got Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner subpoenaed

By Bill Palmer | Sep 11, 2017

Steve Bannon, who was dumb enough to get fired by Donald Trump, says Hillary Clinton isn’t very bright

By Bill Palmer | Sep 10, 2017

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