After he blows it, Senate cancels Michael Cohen’s private testimony and subpoenas him to testify in public

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

Republican insider: Paul Manafort is going to flip on everyone – including Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

Eric Trump’s stupidity may have just incriminated him in Donald Trump’s scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

Donald Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen testifies today before Congress as the walls cave in on Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

Major news outlet thinks Robert Mueller has Donald Trump’s tax returns. Here’s what comes next.

By Bill Palmer | Sep 18, 2017

Donald Trump’s idiot fans mistakenly celebrate Paul Manafort wiretap

By Bill Palmer | Sep 18, 2017

Mike Pence caught on FISA wiretap of Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | Sep 18, 2017

What is Donald Trump Jr trying to hide from the Secret Service?

By Bill Palmer | Sep 18, 2017

Donald Trump may have incriminated himself on tape on Paul Manafort’s FISA wiretap

By Bill Palmer | Sep 18, 2017

‪Paul Manafort was under FISA surveillance the entire time, and now Robert Mueller is about to indict him‬

By Bill Palmer | Sep 18, 2017

Roger Stone tried to threaten Preet Bharara. Guess who got the last laugh.

By Bill Palmer | Sep 18, 2017

Donald Trump adviser unwittingly admits he’s not qualified to be President

By Bill Palmer | Sep 18, 2017

Donald Trump attorney caught hiding evidence of Trump’s guilt in a safe

By Bill Palmer | Sep 18, 2017

Hillary Clinton’s latest election revelation is about to send Donald Trump into a tailspin

By Bill Palmer | Sep 18, 2017

Trouble brewing between Gen. John Kelly and Donald Trump’s attorney

By Bill Palmer | Sep 18, 2017

Donald Trump’s idiot lawyers have turned against each other

By Bill Palmer | Sep 18, 2017

Donald Trump’s White House advisers accuse each other of wearing a wire for Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Sep 17, 2017

Donald Trump’s bumbling attorney accidentally gives away secrets when he’s overheard at restaurant

By Bill Palmer | Sep 17, 2017

Sean Spicer’s controversial appearance during the Emmys sparks major backlash

By Bill Palmer | Sep 17, 2017

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg met with Donald Trump campaign during election

By Bill Palmer | Sep 17, 2017

Donald Trump’s ghostwriter says Trump will let his kids rot in prison

By Bill Palmer | Sep 17, 2017

Donald Trump gives away that a major Trump-Russia bombshell is about to land

By Bill Palmer | Sep 17, 2017

Donald Trump makes ridiculous “Rocket Man” reference. It doesn’t go well.

By Bill Palmer | Sep 17, 2017

Donald Trump goes berserk, tweets demented violent video of himself and Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | Sep 17, 2017

Donald Trump is holed up in Bedminster and no one has any idea what he’s doing there

By Bill Palmer | Sep 16, 2017

Donald Trump strangely tried to sell people on “Big Luther.” It didn’t go well.

By Bill Palmer | Sep 16, 2017

Donald Trump’s advisers complain that he’s hung them out to dry

By Bill Palmer | Sep 16, 2017

California just put the Republican Party behind the eight ball in the 2020 presidential election

By Bill Palmer | Sep 16, 2017

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