Why Paul Manafort is making one last overseas cash grab

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2017

‪Hey Chuck Grassley, where the hell are those Trump-Russia dossier transcripts?‬

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2017

Jimmy Kimmel fires back at Donald Trump over Graham-Cassidy health care debacle

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2017

Report: Paul Manafort may try to leave the United States within days

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2017

Sean Spicer melts down after he comes front and center in Trump-Russia coverup

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2017

The specific weakness that’s cost Donald Trump everything

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2017

Late night host Seth Meyers exposes Russia’s puppet Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2017

Ivanka Trump makes illiterate Twitter post. It doesn’t go well.

By Bill Palmer | Sep 21, 2017

Donald Trump may have been in New Jersey this weekend with Paul Manafort’s Russian benefactor

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2017

Senate Judiciary on uncooperative Paul Manafort: screw him, he’s getting indicted

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2017

Donald Trump campaign adviser calls for another Trump adviser to die in prison; he responds with ethnic slur

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2017

Senator says Sarah Huckabee Sanders may be indicted

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2017

No, Donald Trump’s poll numbers are not suddenly improving

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2017

Robert Mueller is zeroing in on Mike Pence

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2017

Someone is rope-a-doping Donald Trump with the Paul Manafort wiretap story

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2017

Donald Trump praises imaginary country during speech. It doesn’t go over well.

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2017

New evidence that Donald Trump is flat broke

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2017

Here comes Donald Trump’s demented meltdown about Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | Sep 20, 2017

Donald Trump gives away that he knows yet another major Trump-Russia bombshell is about to land

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

Donald Trump’s bodyguard Keith Schiller resigns just as Donald Trump Jr gives up Secret Service protection

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

The real reason Rod Rosenstein is refusing to recuse himself in the Trump-Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

Reports of feuding between Robert Mueller and Congress are greatly exaggerated

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

Trump attorney Michael Cohen picked the wrong day to piss off the United States Senate

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

Confirmed: Paul Manafort caught on wiretap colluding with Russia on Donald Trump’s behalf during election

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

The real reason the RNC is paying for Donald Trump’s Russia lawyers

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

Donald Trump signals how much he’s worried about the New York Attorney General taking him down

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

Roger Stone has meltdown after he figures out he’s been caught on Paul Manafort wiretap

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

Legal expert: Donald Trump and Paul Manafort may both be “going down” over wiretap

By Bill Palmer | Sep 19, 2017

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