‪Donald Trump panics, begins deleting old tweets‬

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2017

Donald Trump’s national anthem ranting takes its most bizarre turn yet

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2017

Robert Mueller probing Russian oligarch’s multimillion donations to Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2017

Donald Trump is out of gas

By Bill Palmer | Sep 27, 2017

Stop making these people into heroes

By Wendy Luxenburg | Sep 27, 2017

Donald Trump signals he’s dropping the hammer on Mitch McConnell

By Bill Palmer | Sep 26, 2017

Donald Trump’s candidate loses Alabama election. Trump tries to congratulate winner, screws it up, deletes it

By Bill Palmer | Sep 26, 2017

This is the week Robert Mueller rips Donald Trump’s White House apart

By Bill Palmer | Sep 26, 2017

Donald Trump has decided to oust Mitch McConnell. It won’t go well for either of them.

By Bill Palmer | Sep 26, 2017

Roger Stone may be prepping an insanity defense

By Bill Palmer | Sep 26, 2017

Donald Trump’s private words leak out, revealing he’s panicking about his Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 26, 2017

John McCain confirms he’s probably going to die from his brain cancer. Hours later, Donald Trump attacks him.

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

Donald Trump finally tweets about Puerto Rico a few minutes after Hillary Clinton scolds him about it

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones takes a knee before Monday Night Football game

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

Donald Trump caught on tape bragging about groping Melania Trump in public

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

Donald Trump craps himself over controversial story about John Kelly, but stays silent about Puerto Rico crisis

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

Tom Brady condemns his pal Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

Michael Jordan criticizes Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

Lock her Up: Ivanka Trump busted in private email scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

“Makes me sick”: LeBron James rips into Donald Trump yet again

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

This is what dictatorship looks like

By Wendy Luxenburg | Sep 25, 2017

Congress prepares to drop the subpoena hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

Steve Bannon tried to plant a mole inside Facebook to help rig the election for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

NFL television ratings are in, and Donald Trump’s call for a boycott has backfired

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

NFL spokesman to Donald Trump: you’re the problem

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

Donald Trump seems to signal that he thinks indictment is imminent

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

Donald Trump’s racist Alabama candidate Luther Strange is in deep trouble

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

Hillary Clinton steps in on Puerto Rico and shows Donald Trump how a president is supposed to lead

By Bill Palmer | Sep 25, 2017

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