False viral claim about Donald Trump’s Puerto Rico response originates from Russia-connected Facebook account

By Bill Palmer | Oct 2, 2017

Donald Trump unwittingly reveals he’s been confusing Kim Jong-Un with a different world leader all along

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2017

NFL star Marshawn Lynch sticks it to Donald Trump at football game

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2017

Donald Trump unwittingly gives away that a major Trump-Russia bombshell is about to land

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2017

After his Puerto Rico debacle, Donald Trump wishes he had this tweet about President Obama back

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2017

Donald Trump goes berserk and blames several past U.S. Presidents for his worst week ever

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2017

Donald Trump attacks Puerto Ricans for being “ingrates” in latest unhinged meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2017

John Kelly and Jared Kushner are about to take each other down

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2017

Robert Mueller begins dropping the hammer on Donald Trump’s White House senior staff

By Bill Palmer | Oct 1, 2017

Donald Trump’s psychotic break

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Hamilton star Lin-Manuel Miranda launches epic takedown of Donald Trump over Puerto Rico

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

“Everyone died”: horrifying scene in Puerto Rico, as Donald Trump golfs and tweets insults

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Mitch McConnell’s wife Elaine Chao may be forced to resign in scandal from Donald Trump’s cabinet

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Donald Trump’s incoherent new tweet about the Alabama election is just plain scary

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Coke is it? Donald Trump has been maniacally ranting about Puerto Rico for the past twelve hours

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Donald Trump can’t even keep his own BS straight anymore

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Robert Mueller busts out terrorism-related subpoena in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Hillary Clinton intervenes after Donald Trump attacks Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Donald Trump frantically tries to backtrack after he viciously attacks Puerto Rico

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz has the perfect response to Donald Trump’s attack on Puerto Rico

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Donald Trump’s racist and sexist attack on Puerto Rico is a new low, even for him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Donald Trump’s attack on the Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico is his lowest point yet

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

The dead giveaway that Donald Trump’s tax plan is total BS

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Jared Kushner finds his way into even deeper trouble

By Bill Palmer | Sep 30, 2017

Donald Trump is in freefall

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2017

Trump cabinet member Elaine Chao, wife of Mitch McConnell, busted for financial corruption scandal

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2017

Donald Trump inexplicably brags about the body count in Puerto Rico

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2017

Donald Trump’s Russia scandal just got even worse for him

By Bill Palmer | Sep 29, 2017

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