Legal expert says Robert Mueller can directly prosecute Donald Trump in a courtroom

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Eminem angrily delivers what might be the most devastating takedown of Donald Trump to date

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2017

Donald Trump spitefully lays the groundwork for firing General John Kelly

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2017

The increasing specter of a military coup against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2017

Mike Pence’s private email scandal just got a whole lot uglier for him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2017

Robert Mueller will use “idiot” Carter Page to blow Donald Trump’s Russia scandal wide open

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2017

Donald Trump responds to Las Vegas shooting by hiring new senior adviser who’s a total gun nut

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2017

Donald Trump has hallucinatory meltdown in bizarre new interview

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2017

Donald Trump adviser Carter Page pleads the fifth as Trump-Russia scandal explodes

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2017

The deafening silence that’s destroying Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2017

Donald Trump announces he has a high IQ, then immediately makes a dumb error that proves otherwise

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2017

Donald Trump posts bizarre tweet, then immediately deletes it

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2017

“Doomed”: even Donald Trump’s allies admit that his latest meltdown is destroying him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2017

Lindsey Graham’s dangerous new game with Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2017

Ivanka Trump falls apart

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2017

Russia throws Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2017

Republican Senator Bob Corker knows things about Donald Trump’s demise

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2017

Donald Trump is cornered

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2017

Vicious feud erupts between Melania Trump and Ivana Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2017

What voting republican says about you

By Wendy Luxenburg | Oct 9, 2017

After walking out on NFL game, Mike Pence heads directly to Russian-compromised event

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2017

Mike Pence is certain that Donald Trump is going to be ousted

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2017

NFL Hall of Fame player rips into Donald Trump and Mike Pence

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2017

Republican Senator Bob Corker just threw down the gauntlet for Donald Trump’s ouster

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2017

Donald Trump campaign director says Trump-supporting Facebook employees are the reason he won

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2017

Mike Pence unwittingly tips off that he knows a massive Trump-Russia bombshell is about to land

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2017

Confirmed: Mike Pence’s NFL game walkout stunt was orchestrated in advance and cost taxpayers a bundle

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2017

Mike Pence caught tweeting fake picture of himself at NFL game before his walkout stunt

By Bill Palmer | Oct 8, 2017

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