Donald Trump takes his ugliest parting shots because he knows the jig is up

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

Donald Trump sniffs his way through ridiculous Iran speech

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

Donald Trump just sealed his own fate

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2017

Donald Trump is a senile zombie

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2017

“It’s not a country”: Donald Trump’s Energy Secretary Rick Perry has another Oops moment

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2017

Guess who’s getting subpoenaed tomorrow in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2017

John Kelly tinkers with cabinet math: is he trying to line up the 25th Amendment against Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2017

Senile Donald Trump gets confused and wanders off in the middle of yet another public event

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2017

Donald Trump and John Kelly dissolve into shouting match

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2017

Donald Trump’s bizarre and suicidal new endgame for dealing with Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2017

Donald Trump’s advisers leak even more embarrassing details about how he’s falling apart

By Bill Palmer | Oct 12, 2017

Republican Senator Ben Sasse comes out swinging at Donald Trump, lays groundwork for impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Donald Trump’s own people signal that they want this over with

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

The rats are leaving the sinking ship: Donald Trump has even lost Rush Limbaugh

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Another Republican Senator rips into Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Here comes the FBI raid on Donald Trump adviser Carter Page’s house

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

The real reason Donald Trump is suddenly threatening to pull the plug on NBC

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

John Kelly makes key move which suggests he’s about to resign

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Donald Trump’s own adviser admits Trump has gone senile

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Donald Trump’s advisers give away that they think the 25th Amendment is coming

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Donald Trump goes off the deep end: “I hate everyone”

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Congressman introduces Articles of Impeachment against Donald Trump on House floor

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Donald Trump goes berserk over nuclear weapons, threatens to pull the plug on an entire TV network

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Donald Trump’s own adviser publicly attacks him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Donald Trump creates a scandal by refuting a media story about John Kelly that didn’t even exist

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Donald Trump really doesn’t want you to see this video of him heaping praise on Eminem

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

Eminem’s attack on Donald Trump is a bigger deal than you think

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

LeBron James decimates Donald Trump yet again

By Bill Palmer | Oct 11, 2017

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