Donald Trump’s own people are now finishing him off

By Bill Palmer | Oct 15, 2017

Donald Trump has become radioactive

By Bill Palmer | Oct 15, 2017

Rex Tillerson goes on CNN and makes “Morongate” even worse for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 15, 2017

Donald Trump’s defense strategy in the Trump-Russia scandal just completely imploded

By Bill Palmer | Oct 15, 2017

Roger Stone shockingly caves in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 15, 2017

Jeff Sessions is about to testify publicly before a very angry Senate committee

By Bill Palmer | Oct 15, 2017

The real calm before the storm

By Bill Palmer | Oct 15, 2017

Donald Trump’s head is three weeks away from completely exploding

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2017

Donald Trump may be trying to mount a mental incompetence defense after all

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2017

The conspiracy between Donald Trump, Paul Manafort and Russia is “worse than anyone has imagined”

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2017

Deranged Donald Trump takes health insurance away from millions, declares “Merry Christmas!”

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2017

Reince Priebus may have been spying on Donald Trump for Robert Mueller last week

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2017

Senile Donald Trump’s incoherent bragging goes off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2017

Donald Trump’s allies in Congress make desperate panic move as Robert Mueller closes in on him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2017

Potential voter data backchannel uncovered between Donald Trump campaign and Russian hackers

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2017

Senator Susan Collins plays the hero against Donald Trump again

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2017

Robert Mueller, Reince Priebus and the end of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 14, 2017

Reince Priebus and White House Counsel Don McGahn may have both flipped on Donald Trump today

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

Donald Trump’s deranged late night meltdown gives away that he knows the walls are closing in on him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

Donald Trump tests the waters for his “declare victory and resign” strategy

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

Republican Senator Bob Corker takes Donald Trump’s head off again

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

Now we know why Donald Trump took Lindsey Graham golfing this week (hint: Russia)

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

Republican insider throws down gauntlet, demands that the GOP finish off Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

NBC News gets its revenge on Donald Trump by breaking huge new Trump-Russia bombshell

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

No wonder Donald Trump has begun crapping himself

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

Robert Mueller has cornered Reince Priebus to get him to flip on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

GOP insider on Donald Trump: “We’re in s— up to our eyeballs”

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

Donald Trump’s former ghostwriter says he’s going to resign

By Bill Palmer | Oct 13, 2017

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