Donald Trump finally calls families of fallen U.S. soldiers, makes offensive remark to soldier’s widow

By Bill Palmer | Oct 17, 2017

Jared Kushner hits the panic button after two key players begin cooperating with Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Oct 17, 2017

Sean Spicer is now cooperating with Robert Mueller’s investigation into Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 17, 2017

Carter Page has a meltdown after he’s subpoenaed in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 17, 2017

An Open Letter to Men regarding “Me Too”: It’s time for you to man up.

By Wendy Luxenburg | Oct 17, 2017

Investigators are busting Carter Page like a piñata to get to Donald Trump in Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 17, 2017

Here’s just how weakened Donald Trump has become

By Bill Palmer | Oct 17, 2017

“Deranged animal” – Donald Trump gets shredded for lying about dead U.S. soldiers

By Bill Palmer | Oct 17, 2017

“Stop the damn lying” – former Attorney General rips into Donald Trump for disrespecting the military

By Bill Palmer | Oct 17, 2017

John McCain rips into “half baked” and “unpatriotic” Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 17, 2017

So much for Donald Trump giving a damn about the military, the troops or the flag

By Bill Palmer | Oct 17, 2017

Donald Trump finally admits he’s accomplished nothing, offers bizarre explanation

By Bill Palmer | Oct 17, 2017

“This guy is a joke” – Donald Trump’s staff really wants you to know how badly he’s unraveling

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

Oops: Ivanka Trump’s arrogance helped set in motion the investigation into Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions take one last shot at sabotaging Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

We told you Donald Trump’s Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross was dirty on Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

“Start packing, Kellyanne” – Robert Mueller targets dead Russian hacking conspirator with connections to Kellyanne Conway

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

In last ditch effort to stave off ouster, Donald Trump begins leaking ugly things about Mike Pence

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

The Republican Senate is playing Donald Trump on his way out the door

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

Donald Trump forced to quickly walk back bizarrely offensive false attack on President Obama

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

Newt Gingrich posts drunk-sounding incoherent tweet in defense of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

Guess who just provided a financial bailout to the Harvey Weinstein company?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

Donald Trump and WikiLeaks aren’t even trying to hide their collusion anymore

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

Here comes Donald Trump’s biggest meltdown about Rex Tillerson yet

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

Julian Assange unwittingly tips off that a major bombshell is about to land in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 16, 2017

Mike Pence’s disastrous campaign rally couldn’t compete with a local tractor pull

By Bill Palmer | Oct 15, 2017

Donald Trump “reelection campaign” funds may be going to Trump’s personal secretary

By Bill Palmer | Oct 15, 2017

Donald Trump has been served a subpoena to turn over his obscene Apprentice tapes

By Bill Palmer | Oct 15, 2017

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