Donald Trump’s billionaire donor Rebekah Mercer busted playing direct role in Trump-Russia collusion

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

Senate Republicans privately acknowledge Donald Trump has Alzheimer’s disease

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

Conservative news site admits it originally funded Trump-Russia dossier, not Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

The real reason Chuck Grassley scandalously joined Team Russia this week in the Trump Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

Three clear signs Robert Mueller is about to drop the Trump-Russia indictment hammer

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

Dana Boente’s resignation suggests Robert Mueller is about to serve up his Trump-Russia indictments

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

It was always going to get this ugly just before Donald Trump’s end

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

Rex Tillerson busted in Russia sanctions scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2017

Donald Trump brags about Republican “unity” and then his party promptly implodes on him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2017

Marco Rubio opens his mouth and accidentally blows up Donald Trump’s entire phony Hillary-Russia claim

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2017

Donald Trump’s JFK files distraction fails as his Russia scandal explodes

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2017

Bob Corker makes a series of key moves to derail Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2017

Expert: Robert Mueller to drop the hammer on Donald Trump within weeks

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2017

Republican Congress goes Weekend at Bernie’s with Donald Trump’s rotting carcass

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2017

‪Here’s the new Trump-Russia bombshell you should be paying attention to today instead of the JFK files‬

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2017

Turn out the lights, the Donald Trump administration is over

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2017

Donald Trump just fell into a bottomless Russia pit

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2017

The Trump-Russia dam has broken

By Bill Palmer | Oct 26, 2017

Donald Trump’s incoherent explanation of his great memory is the latest sign he’s gone senile

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2017

Now we know for sure that Reince Priebus cut a deal with Robert Mueller against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2017

Did the Russians finally get to Chuck Grassley?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2017

After being caught red handed, Donald Trump throws Cambridge Analytica under Trump-Russia bus

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2017

Donald Trump just tipped off how afraid he is that Reince Priebus is selling him out to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2017

Now we know why Donald Trump and Julian Assange were so desperate last week to distract from Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2017

Is the Washington Post playing rope-a-dope with the Trump Russia dossier?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2017

Here are the next Republican Senators to publicly come out against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2017

Mike Pence’s conveniently timed disappearing act

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2017

How Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, and John McCain can put Donald Trump out of business tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2017

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