James Comey weighs in as Robert Mueller prepares to take Donald Trump down

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2017

Donald Trump yells “DO SOMETHING!” in desperate cry for help as Robert Mueller moves in

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2017

Did someone slip Donald Trump a tranquilizer?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2017

How the Trump-Russia criminal narrative eats Donald Trump alive from here

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2017

Before Twitter suspended him, Roger Stone may have given away who’s about to get arrested

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

Donald Trump’s handlers are desperately trying to cheer him up as Robert Mueller arrests his pals

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

Donald Trump is plotting with his goons at his Trump DC hotel as we speak

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

Donald Trump Jr screws up and starts talking about his Russian collusion meeting at worst possible time

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

Insider: Robert Mueller may arrest Michael Flynn and Michael Flynn Jr both on Monday to get to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes full Baghdad Bob as Donald Trump’s world collapses around him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

As his co-conspirators are being arrested, Donald Trump goes off incoherent deep end

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

Trump co-conspirator Roger Stone permanently banned from Twitter as Robert Mueller files criminal charges

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

It looks like Robert Mueller is seizing Paul Manafort’s money and property to get him to flip on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

Report: Donald Trump has “completely lost” what’s left of his mind over Robert Mueller’s criminal charges

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

Roger Stone makes berserk threats, suggesting he fears he’ll be among the Trump-Russia arrests

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

FBI insider: Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner may be arrested on Monday

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

Robert Mueller bringing charges against multiple Trump-Russia targets across multiple grand juries

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

Sebastian Gorka has revealing meltdown after Robert Mueller brings Trump-Russia criminal charges

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

It’s not just one indictment: Robert Mueller is bringing the house against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

Donald Trump’s senility on full display as he screws up meeting with group of children

By Bill Palmer | Oct 28, 2017

Here’s the witness who blew open Donald Trump’s Russia scandal for Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

After Robert Mueller files criminal charges, befuddled Donald Trump tweets “What happened?”

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

Donald Trump melts down after learning Robert Mueller has filed Trump-Russia criminal charges

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

Roger Stone has bizarre profane meltdown after Robert Mueller files Trump-Russia criminal charges

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

Sean Hannity has total meltdown as Robert Mueller brings criminal charges in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

First arrests in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal may be hours away

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

Robert Mueller just filed criminal charges in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal. I think I know what they are.

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

Robert Mueller just found a Trump-Russia witness who’s willing to take Donald Trump down with him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 27, 2017

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