Report: as Robert Mueller closes in, “it’s every man for himself” on Donald Trump’s sinking ship

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

Now we know why Donald Trump and his allies have spent all week lying about the Trump-Russia dossier

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

Robert Mueller lands his pair of aces against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

Carter Page testifies he secretly met with Russian government, proves Donald Trump campaign knew about it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

MSNBC host: based on new evidence, Donald Trump’s election may have been illegitimate after all

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

Donald Trump’s bodyguard called in to testify about the Pee Pee Tape

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

Carter Page slips up and appears to admit he’s been cooperating with Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

Robert Mueller’s investigation into Tony Podesta just became Donald Trump’s worst nightmare

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

Paul Manafort has just been given a trial date, and here comes Donald Trump’s meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

Donald Trump tries out the mental incompetence defense after Papadopoulos and Gordon incriminate him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

Donald Trump’s Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is in deep trouble after arrest of Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

Donald Trump rolls out of bed and goes completely berserk

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

The real reason Robert Mueller hasn’t arrested Jeff Sessions (yet)

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

As Robert Mueller closes in, Donald Trump Jr completely loses it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

It’s even worse for Ivanka Trump than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2017

After campaign adviser JD Gordon is cornered in Trump-Russia scandal, he sells out Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

Departing employee deletes Donald Trump’s entire Twitter account on way out the door

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

Donald Trump’s unhinged late night Twitter meltdown reveals he knows he’s a goner

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

Donald Trump unwittingly tips off that he thinks his criminal financial ties to Russia are about to surface

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia arrests have worked: everyone is suddenly flipping on everyone

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

Carter Page just used his testimony to throw Jeff Sessions under the Trump-Russia bus

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

Robert Mueller appears to be targeting Mike Pence after all

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

Amid Trump-Russia arrest chaos, Donald Trump’s entire Twitter account gets deleted and then reappears

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

Looks like Sam Clovis has indeed flipped on Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

Carter Page testifies in Trump-Russia scandal, blows it badly, may have just blown the whole thing wide open

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

Donald Trump’s billionaire backer Robert Mercer hits panic button, seems to think he’ll be arrested

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

Jeff Sessions admits he lied about Russia – and it may have just gotten another Trump adviser arrested

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

Jared Kushner cooperating with Robert Mueller on Donald Trump criminal conspiracy charges

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2017

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