New details suggest Michael Flynn may have cut a deal with Robert Mueller back in July

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2017

Yet another key Donald Trump adviser hit with subpoena

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2017

One day after huge Republican losses, the impeachment effort against Donald Trump gains steam in Congress

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2017

Here’s how we know Robert Mueller is past the point where Donald Trump can stop him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2017

Robert Mueller, eight ball, corner pocket

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2017

Donald Trump may come home in a straitjacket

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2017

Donald Trump Jr finds a whole new way to blow it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2017

Twenty-two new criminal charges emerge against seven new defendants in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s response to Ed Gillespie’s loss in Virginia reveals he’s gone off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s visit to South Korea is already a disaster

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

Robert Mueller’s ouster of Donald Trump just got twice as easy

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s impeachment just became a lot more likely

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

Donald Trump and Mike Pence just got their asses handed to them

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

Insider: Trump-Russia arrests have Jared Kushner panicking, and Ivanka Trump’s life is in ruins

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s secret CIA plot to sabotage the Trump-Russia probe has been exposed, and it’s laughably inept

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

What if this is just an act and Carter Page is fooling us all?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

Robert Mueller’s brilliant head-fake has blown the Trump-Russia scandal wide open

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

After his overseas trip, there may be nothing left for Donald Trump to come back to

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

Get your popcorn ready: Jeff Sessions is being forced to testify about the exploding Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

Trump-Russia scandal: several new indictments emerge from Robert Mueller’s favorite court

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2017

Donald Trump advisers George Papadopoulos and Carter Page both admit they met the same Russian agent

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2017

Carter Page confesses, confirms key claim in Trump-Russia dossier

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2017

Carter Page admits to taking Russian money during election, implicates Donald Trump and Hope Hicks

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2017

Michael Flynn is facing kidnapping charges, and Paul Manafort is facing murder charges

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2017

Michael Flynn has already been indicted

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2017

Donald Trump’s head is about to explode

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2017

Robert Mueller’s job security just skyrocketed today

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2017

Donald Trump may have just incriminated himself and Jared Kushner in Saudi Arabia arrests

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2017

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