Donald Trump’s “people will die” remark takes Trump-Russia scandal in a whole new direction

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2017

Kellyanne Conway accidentally calls for Donald Trump to resign

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2017

Mike Pence may have just gotten himself roped into a Trump-Russia kidnapping conspiracy

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2017

Donald Trump no longer thinks he’ll survive this

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2017

Robert Mueller has an ace up his sleeve against Donald Trump and Mike Pence

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2017

Donald Trump’s unhinged Twitter meltdown last night was due to trouble with Melania

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2017

Donald Trump just handed Robert Mueller an easy victory

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2017

Russian mafia figure busted for making illegal donations to Donald Trump campaign

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2017

Donald Trump has either gone senile or he’s hallucinating or both

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2017

New grand jury details reveal Robert Mueller is going for Donald Trump’s jugular

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2017

Memo to Donald Trump: don’t come home

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Donald Trump goes berserk during press conference in Vietnam, criticizes Hillary Clinton’s spelling abilities

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

John McCain tells Donald Trump to shove it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Donald Trump says Americans are “haters and fools” – and asks Vladimir Putin for help

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Unhinged Donald Trump insists “people will die” if the Trump-Russia investigation continues

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Donald Trump is intent on getting the 25th Amendment invoked against himself tonight

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Donald Trump goes berserk after Kim Jong-Un calls him “old”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Donald Trump is in the midst of a psychotic Twitter meltdown like you’ve never seen

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Donald Trump goes off deep end over Putin, posts berserk tweet that may have just ended his presidency

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Why the Democrats in Congress now feel safe getting Jeff Sessions fired

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Sally Yates rips Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

CIA Director Mike Pompeo has had enough, speaks out in direct defiance of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Donald Trump makes major new move to cripple Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Donald Trump opens his big mouth and blows his Trump-Russia cover

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Report: Stephen Miller’s resignation may be imminent

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

Steve Bannon completely loses it in new interview and starts babbling about hobbits

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2017

The clearest sign yet that Russia has given up on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2017

Michael Flynn’s oddly specific denial in Trump-Russia kidnapping plot may have given something away

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2017

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