This is going to be Donald Trump’s most whacked out weekend yet

By Bill Palmer | Nov 18, 2017

Donald Trump campaign now facing accusations of cyberterrorism, kidnapping, murder and other crimes

By Bill Palmer | Nov 18, 2017

Donald Trump is out of gas

By Bill Palmer | Nov 18, 2017

The guy behind the Trump-Russia dossier reveals how the Kremlin snuck money to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 17, 2017

‪After she bailed on Donald Trump’s Asia trip, Melania mysteriously turned up alone in Alaska‬

By Bill Palmer | Nov 17, 2017

Jared Kushner tried to cover up communications during the election with suspected Russian mobster

By Bill Palmer | Nov 17, 2017

Legal expert says Jared Kushner will end up “doing hard time”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 17, 2017

New evidence says Robert Mueller is even further ahead of everyone than we all thought

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2017

Yep, Donald Trump knew all along

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2017

Donald Trump’s new “Al Frankenstein” tweet is beyond the pale

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2017

Russian Ambassador makes surreal confession in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2017

Investigators catch Jared Kushner trying to cover up secret Russian dinner invite

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2017

Robert Mueller finally drops the subpoena hammer on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2017

Yet another Donald Trump administration official forced to resign in disgrace

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2017

What do liberals do about Al Franken?

By Wendy Luxenburg | Nov 16, 2017

Has this former Trump Tower resident cut a deal against Michael Flynn, Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 16, 2017

Finally home from his overseas trip, Donald Trump sounds like he’s high on drugs and dying

By Bill Palmer | Nov 15, 2017

New details reveal Donald Trump Jr is even more of a Russian puppet than his father

By Bill Palmer | Nov 15, 2017

Donald Trump goes berserk

By Bill Palmer | Nov 15, 2017

Jeff Sessions has no idea what to do now

By Bill Palmer | Nov 15, 2017

Donald Trump’s latest deranged tweet might be his most offensive yet

By Bill Palmer | Nov 15, 2017

Mike Pence is completely screwed

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2017

Donald Trump is going down in a heap of self delusion

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2017

Did Vladimir Putin just take down Donald Trump Jr?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2017

Roy Moore, Jeff Sessions and an increasingly disturbing Alabama Senate race

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2017

Is Robert Mueller investigating Sean Hannity?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2017

Mitch McConnell just signaled that he wants Roy Moore to lose the Alabama Senate race

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2017

This is probably the week we say goodbye to Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2017

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