Things get ugly between Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 23, 2017

Confirmed: Donald Trump did nothing to get LaVar Ball’s son released from China

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

For Robert Mueller, Michael Flynn is the Trump-Russia gift that keeps on giving

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Donald Trump just handed Michael Flynn a really good reason to cut a deal against him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Roy Moore suffers major new blow in Alabama with just three weeks to go

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Republican legal expert proposes installing Hillary Clinton as U.S. President

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Robert Mueller’s grand jury against Michael Flynn just got even weirder

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Donald Trump tells Ivanka and Jared Kushner to move back to New York

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Donald Trump tips off that he knows Robert Mueller is going to get him on financial crimes

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Donald Trump panics and hands Jared Kushner to Robert Mueller on a silver platter

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Robert Mueller quietly but aggressively wheeling and dealing behind the scenes

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Donald Trump gets caught in the act

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Donald Trump panics and pulls plug on shadily financed “Trump Soho” hotel as Robert Mueller closes in

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Yes, those other Trump-Russia arrests are coming

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Even Donald Trump’s own advisers are faking bad phone connections so they don’t have to talk to him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

James Comey takes shot at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Donald Trump either just had a psychotic break, or he’s tipped off the mother of all Trump-Russia bombshells

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Senile Donald Trump gets confused and viciously attacks one of his own supporters

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Donald Trump compares himself to Charles Manson

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Donald Trump’s sons are in a race to out-idiot each other

By Bill Palmer | Nov 22, 2017

Ivanka Trump fails miserably yet again

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2017

Fed-up Russian oligarchs seem ready to take down Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump both

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2017

Donald Trump, Robert Mercer, and a Russian oligarch reportedly all arrive in Palm Beach

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2017

Revealed: Robert Mueller’s probe into Trump and his cronies runs far deeper and wider than we ever imagined

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2017

Donald Trump’s handlers have him trapped in an oblivious bubble as Robert Mueller takes him apart

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2017

As the Trump-Russia scandal explodes, Donald Trump panics and calls up Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2017

Robert Mueller moves to crush Jared Kushner like a grape

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2017

Donald Trump screws up and hands the Resistance the chance to use Roy Moore to destroy him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 21, 2017

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