Yes, Donald Trump will resign

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

Donald Trump pleads with Republican Congress: don’t oust me yet

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

Legally speaking, there’s no going back for Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

Did Donald Trump just quit?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

Ivana Trump may have just hinted that ex-husband Donald Trump is going to resign

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

Donald Trump realizes he’s screwed, goes on berserk rant about his Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

Former CIA Director tells Donald Trump to go to hell

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

Michael Flynn’s plea deal against Donald Trump is underway. Here’s how we’ll know it’s official.

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

As his world collapses, Donald Trump takes out his frustrations on Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

Donald Trump goes berserk after his endorsement of Roy Moore backfires

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

CNN gets last laugh after being attacked by Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

Yes, Robert Mueller is going to take them all down

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

Donald Trump is in need of immediate professional psychological help

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

Donald Trump suddenly wants to talk about the Access Hollywood tape – and we all know what that means

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

As Michael Flynn sells him out, Donald Trump sinks into a delusional pit of self-denial

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2017

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are plotting together against CNN

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2017

Donald Trump is pissed at Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2017

Did Jared Kushner just tip off that he’s about to resign?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2017

After Michael Flynn sells out, Jared Kushner hits the panic button

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2017

Robert Mueller goes all-in

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2017

Michael Flynn flew. Donald Trump and Mike Pence knew.

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2017

After Michael Flynn sells him out, Donald Trump gives away that an even bigger Trump-Russia bombshell is about to land

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2017

Yes, it’s okay to be optimistic about Donald Trump’s demise

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2017

Constitutional expert says Robert Mueller can put Donald Trump on trial ahead of impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2017

No wonder Michael Flynn decided to cut a deal with Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2017

Donald Trump didn’t know what hit him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2017

How Robert Mueller blocked Donald Trump from pardoning Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2017

Preet Bharara gets last laugh after Michael Flynn sells out Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2017

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