As Donald Trump looks to oust them both, Rex Tillerson and Ivanka Trump are targeting each other

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2017

Now we know that Rudy Giuliani is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2017

Reza Zarrab was the final nail in the Michael Flynn coffin

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2017

Donald Trump knows he’s on his way out – and he’s trying to take everyone down with him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2017

Keith Olbermann: based on new evidence, Donald Trump’s demise is now “imminent”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2017

After Democrats snub him, Donald Trump holds berserk press conference with two empty chairs

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2017

Michael Flynn is already ratting out Jared Kushner and others

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2017

The real reason the Russian oligarchs are looking at ousting Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump both

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2017

Use “Giving Tuesday” to show your Resistance against Donald Trump and his goons

By Wendy Luxenburg | Nov 28, 2017

Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi tell Donald Trump to go to hell after idiotic tweet

By Bill Palmer | Nov 28, 2017

Congratulations, Donald Trump advisers, you’re all screwed now

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Stephen Miller is suddenly in huge trouble in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Hope Hicks is days away from selling out Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Michael Flynn Jr doesn’t seem too happy about his father’s plea deal against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

James Woolsey’s sly response to the media suggests his meeting with Donald Trump was a setup

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Donald Trump rocked by second high profile resignation in same day

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Robert Mueller’s misdirection has destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Yet another Donald Trump official resigns amid controversy

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Jared Kushner caves to investigators in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Donald Trump’s most desperate attempt yet at distracting us from what he knows is coming

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Donald Trump and his White House go off the paranoid deep end

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Additional developments confirm Michael Flynn really is flipping on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Donald Trump goes completely berserk

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Was James Woolsey wearing a wire at Mar-a-Lago this weekend when he met with Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Jared Kushner’s time is officially up

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Donald Trump’s “People will die” threat takes on a whole new meaning

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Donald Trump’s pitiful response: Please Don’t Hurt Me!

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2017

Donald Trump thinks the Pee Pee Tape is about to surface

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2017

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