Stunned reactions after Donald Trump goes berserk and begins tweeting the details of his crimes

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

Donald Trump’s White House Counsel Don McGahn cracks up after Michael Flynn plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

Now we know why Robert Mueller dumped one of his own FBI agents from the Trump-Russia probe

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

Robert Mueller moves in on Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

Donald Trump flies into Twitter rage about Michael Flynn, confesses to felony

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

Did Michael Flynn just take down Ivanka Trump too?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

This is the worst day of Donald Trump’s life – and it’s about to get far worse for him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

Michael Flynn may have just incriminated Tom Cotton, Donald Trump’s new CIA Director pick, in Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

The details of Michael Flynn’s plea deal with Robert Mueller are nothing short of brutal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

After Michael Flynn rats out the Trump family, Donald Trump Jr goes off the delusional deep end

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Michael Flynn Jr reacts after Michael Flynn cuts a deal to save him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

It looks like Paul Manafort is cooperating with Robert Mueller now too [updated]

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Donald Trump’s White House is now officially blaming the black guy for Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

After Michael Flynn incriminates Donald Trump, Fox News blames Trump-Russia scandal on a woman

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Congressmen say Jared Kushner’s arrest is coming and Donald Trump will be ousted from office

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Donald Trump’s remaining fans go completely berserk after learning about Michael Flynn plea deal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Robert Mueller expertly used Michael Flynn to lay a no-win trap for Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Donald Trump posts bizarre tweet after Michael Flynn finalizes plea deal against him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

After Michael Flynn deal is finalized, James Comey taunts Donald Trump religiously on Twitter

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Reza Zarrab testifies against Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Goodbye, Jared Kushner, nice knowing you

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Major newspaper declares Donald Trump a “madman”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Michael Flynn says Donald Trump ordered him to conspire with Russia; also testifying against Trump family

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Donald Trump begins shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Michael Flynn just ensured that Mike Pence is completely screwed

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Michael Flynn plea deal court filings reveal Donald Trump is guilty of conspiring with Russia

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

Michael Flynn plea deal is official: experts say it’s the “beginning of the end” for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

MSNBC host: Donald Trump’s handlers admit he’s suffering from dementia

By Bill Palmer | Dec 1, 2017

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