Paul Manafort caught continuing to conspire with Russia while under house arrest, may go straight to jail

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2017

Kellyanne Conway may have just sent herself to prison

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2017

Did Donald Trump murder a woman?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2017

Several people have been ghost-tweeting for Donald Trump. His attorney isn’t one of them.

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2017

Donald Trump thinks he’s finally figured out the conspiracy against him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2017

Donald Trump knows he’s hosed – and he’s trying to settle old scores on his way down

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2017

Robert Mueller forced Michael Flynn to agree to wear a wire

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2017

Here comes that Jared Kushner indictment

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

What the hell is Susan Collins doing?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

Here comes Donald Trump’s deranged meltdown about Billy Bush

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

Sure sounds like Donald Trump Jr just admitted he knows his father is going to be ousted

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

James Comey fires back after Donald Trump goes off deep end

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

How Robert Mueller takes Donald Trump down from here

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

Donald Trump’s attorney John Dowd panics and throws White House Counsel Don McGahn under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

Everything hits the fan

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

Donald Trump’s crazed war with reality

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

Why the mainstream media isn’t willing to tell you that Donald Trump is finished

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

Donald Trump’s lawyer may have just sent himself to prison too

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

Donald Trump finally admits he’s not writing some of his own tweets. It reveals more than you think.

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

After Michael Flynn sells him out, Donald Trump goes berserk about Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

Saturday Night Live says what we’re all now thinking about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2017

Everyone piles on as Donald Trump launches into his most cartoonish meltdown yet

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

Has Mitch McConnell cut a grand bargain to oust Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

After tax bill vote, Donald Trump opens his mouth about it and belatedly puts the bill in jeopardy

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

Donald Trump begins late night Twitter meltdown about Michael Flynn and Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

After confessing to a felony on Twitter, Donald Trump panics and throws his one of his own people under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

Michael Flynn’s deputy admits Russia rigged the election for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

Donald Trump Jr reveals he’s too stupid to understand what’s about to happen to him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 2, 2017

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