Donald Trump’s increasingly weird endgame

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s health scandal just got much worse for him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

Have Donald Trump and his team just picked a new Trump-Russia scapegoat in the White House?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

“Checkmate!” Legal scholar says this clause in Michael Flynn’s plea deal means it’s over for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

Donald Trump Jr frantically tries to defend himself after latest Trump-Russia bombshell lands

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

Why the White House is suddenly talking about slurring Donald Trump taking a physical

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

The FBI just gave Donald Trump and his advisers a whole new reason to be paranoid toward each other

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

The real reason Donald Trump is slurring his words and he hasn’t tweeted anything in several days

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

No one in the Trump-Russia scandal thinks they’re getting pardoned

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

Donald Trump Jr sold out Donald Trump yesterday, and it wasn’t by accident

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

Did Donald Trump just suffer a stroke?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s teeth appear to fall out during speech

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

The best evidence yet that Donald Trump is flat broke

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s day from Hell

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Why Robert Mueller is suddenly letting the Democrats in Congress expose Trump-Russia secrets

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

What really went down in today’s House impeachment vote against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Robert Mueller exposes how Russian banks literally bought Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Donald Trump gives away just how shellshocked he’s become

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Donald Trump Jr is having his worst day ever – and he may be headed to prison

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Michael Flynn was sending treasonous Russia text messages while he was at Donald Trump’s inauguration

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Christmas just came early today for Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Whistleblower comes forward to incriminate Michael Flynn and Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Hope Hicks is going to take them all down

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Investigators are finally using the word “treason” in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Donald Trump Jr squeals, incriminates key Trump adviser, may have just incriminated Donald Trump too

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Mike Pence has no way out

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Did his teeth just fall out? Donald Trump slurs his way through the worst speech of all time

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

Robert Mueller just made Donald Trump pay for firing Preet Bharara

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2017

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