Donald Trump administration suffers yet another controversial resignation

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2017

MSNBC analyst now says Steve Bannon is headed to prison

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2017

The Trump-Russia scandal just got even worse for Donald Trump Jr

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2017

Yet another key Donald Trump campaign adviser pleads guilty to felony

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2017

Donald Trump’s Sunday afternoon meltdown raises new questions

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2017

Sarah Huckabee Sanders humiliates herself with idiotic attack on President Obama

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2017

Robert Mueller’s Christmas surprise

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2017

Nice try, Mike Pence

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2017

Robert Mueller’s sealed “Indictment (A)” looms large

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2017

James Comey slams “weak” Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 10, 2017

Donald Trump just reminded us he truly is a psychopath

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2017

The maddening part of Michael Flynn’s plea deal against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2017

Donald Trump unwittingly reveals he’s about to get hit by the mother of all Trump-Russia bombshells

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2017

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2017

Donald Trump makes bizarre panic move as his Russia scandal closes in

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2017

How Robert Mueller is using the Paul Manafort investigation to take Donald Trump down

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2017

Donald Trump gives another middle finger to America

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2017

Donald Trump’s delusional crapfest

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2017

Donald Trump is back on Twitter and he’s ranting like an idiot

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2017

Donald Trump’s White House suffers yet another high profile resignation as Trump-Russia scandal explodes

By Bill Palmer | Dec 9, 2017

Hope Hicks met with Robert Mueller today – and it turns out she already met with the FBI months ago

By Bill Palmer | Dec 8, 2017

The big pile-up at Robert Mueller’s finish line

By Bill Palmer | Dec 8, 2017

What the hell is even happening?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 8, 2017

Hillary Clinton rips into Republicans

By Bill Palmer | Dec 8, 2017

Donald Trump Jr is cracking up

By Bill Palmer | Dec 8, 2017

Donald Trump’s staff just staged a late night Twitter bender on his account to cover for his disappearance

By Bill Palmer | Dec 8, 2017

Sean Hannity seems to think he’s been caught on the Paul Manafort wiretap

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

Why the Kremlin is suddenly admitting that it rigged the election in Donald Trump’s favor

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2017

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