Donald Trump’s lazy incompetence directly led to Robert Mueller getting his emails

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Donald Trump Jr has “pajama boy” meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Robert Mueller takes warning shot at Donald Trump and his “criminal” advisers

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Donald Trump’s social media director goes off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Robert Mueller fires back at Donald Trump’s lawyers

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Did Robert Mueller just nail Trey Gowdy with secret Trump-Russia emails?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Congressman Ted Lieu shuts down Donald Trump’s attorneys

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Robert Mueller just pulled an ace from his sleeve, and Donald Trump’s team just flinched

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2017

Now we know what the KT McFarland Trump-Russia email leak was about

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2017

Donald Trump is about to go down because he tried and failed to hide 50,000 incriminating emails

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2017

Robert Mueller just took a huge warning shot at Donald Trump and his people

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2017

New bombshell about Robert Mueller probe means it’s too late for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2017

Here’s who Donald Trump is really going to fire next week

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2017

Donald Trump’s indecision has screwed him yet again

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2017

Carter Page goes completely berserk

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2017

Jared Kushner has been panicking behind the scenes since the day Michael Flynn cut a deal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2017

Media coverage of the Trump-Russia investigation has gone off the rails. Here’s what’s really going on.

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2017

Donald Trump’s bizarre pardon head-fake

By Bill Palmer | Dec 16, 2017

The three crucial Trump-Russia stories you missed this week

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2017

The surest sign yet that Donald Trump and Mike Pence are going down

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2017

The big showdown between Robert Mueller and Donald Trump is just days away

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2017

Donald Trump is rattled

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2017

How we know Donald Trump is going down

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2017

No, the Republicans aren’t really trying to get Robert Mueller fired

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2017

Jared Kushner’s latest move means Robert Mueller is one step away from nailing Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2017

Jared Kushner reveals that he knows he’s about to go down in flames

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2017

Here’s a hint about who Robert Mueller is going to arrest next

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2017

Republican Party’s own internal data reveals the 2016 election was rigged from top to bottom

By Bill Palmer | Dec 15, 2017

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