Even as they publicly prop him up, Republicans make yet another definitive move against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2017

A supposed White House staffer leaked the story of Donald Trump and Neil Gorsuch, and then vanished

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2017

Robert Mueller knew this day would come

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2017

Republican Senate caught installing GSA plant to try to sabotage Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2017

Sarah Huckabee Sanders just got into a Twitter feud with Congressman Ted Lieu. Guess who won.

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2017

With tax scam bill now in hand, Republicans in Congress are already making moves against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2017

Former National Intelligence Director James Clapper makes stunning accusation against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2017

Robert Mueller fires another warning shot at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 18, 2017

Susan Collins goes off the deep end

By Bill Palmer | Dec 18, 2017

Donald Trump’s idiot lawyers just made our lives a whole lot easier

By Bill Palmer | Dec 18, 2017

Donald Trump is in even worse shape than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Dec 18, 2017

Donald Trump Jr goes berserk

By Bill Palmer | Dec 18, 2017

Mike Pence cancels major trip as Trump-Russia scandal closes in on him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 18, 2017

Trump-Russia investigation is formally targeting Jill Stein

By Bill Palmer | Dec 18, 2017

Donald Trump unwittingly tips off that a major Trump-Russia bombshell is about to land

By Bill Palmer | Dec 18, 2017

Donald Trump’s demented day

By Bill Palmer | Dec 18, 2017

Donald Trump coughs up one of his most bizarre lies yet

By Bill Palmer | Dec 18, 2017

Robert Mueller just signaled to Jared Kushner that it’s all over for him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 18, 2017

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin desperately plot their endgame

By Bill Palmer | Dec 18, 2017

Donald Trump Jr is totally losing it

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Donald Trump’s legal team may not even have the emails Robert Mueller has been sitting on

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Bob Corker may be facing legal trouble after voting for Donald Trump’s tax scam bill

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

The real reason Donald Trump hasn’t posted any of his own tweets since Roy Moore lost

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Jared Kushner is at the center of Robert Mueller’s secret Trump-Russia emails

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Ted Cruz ignorantly tried to explain Star Wars to Mark Hamill. It didn’t go well for him.

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Babbling Donald Trump makes embarrassing Freudian slip

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Robert Mueller also has Donald Trump team’s laptops and cellphones. Here’s what that means.

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

Donald Trump and his goons have their new DOJ scapegoat, and it’s not Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Dec 17, 2017

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