Looks like Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer, and Don McGahn have all flipped on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

Democrats begin airing Donald Trump’s dirtiest Russian money laundering secrets

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

Here come the rest of those Trump-Russia indictments

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

Mike Pence is plotting something as we speak

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

FBI’s Andrew McCabe makes last minute move to try to prevent Donald Trump from firing him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

Don’t be shocked if Donald Trump fires Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

Steve Bannon launches vicious personal attack against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

The real danger in the Republican attacks on Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

Rand Paul gives away that he’s scared to death of what the Trump-Russia investigation will find

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

Desperate Donald Trump fires off everything he has left – and it turns out he doesn’t have much

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

Sean Hannity is totally cracking up

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

Donald Trump is even more demented than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

Here comes Donald Trump’s deranged meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

Fact check: can a holiday pocket veto derail the Republican tax bill?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

Robert Mueller fires yet another warning shot at Donald Trump and his people

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2017

Here’s who the Republicans are really trying to protect by sabotaging Robert Mueller (hint: not Donald Trump)

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2017

Donald Trump just signaled that he thinks the Republicans will try to oust him over the holidays

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2017

The real reason Senator Mark Warner drew a red line today about Donald Trump and Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2017

2017 has been a brutal war – but yes, the Resistance is still winning

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2017

Stop falling for the media’s bullshit about Donald Trump firing Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2017

Donald Trump reveals that he knows he’s in deep trouble

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2017

Donald Trump is even more addle-brained than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2017

Prominent Republican accuses Donald Trump of trying to lead a “coup” against the U.S.

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2017

Donald Trump is going berserk because nobody likes his tax bill

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2017

Donald Trump and the Republican Party just committed suicide

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2017

Donald Trump Jr is not well

By Bill Palmer | Dec 20, 2017

Nikki Haley goes berserk

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2017

Why the media won’t admit that Donald Trump is a walking corpse

By Bill Palmer | Dec 19, 2017

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