Robert Mueller is laughing his butt off

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Did Donald Trump plant the story of Andrew McCabe’s supposed FBI retirement?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Donald Trump’s own handlers just went rogue against him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Preet Bharara slams Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Steve Bannon is formally targeted in Trump-Russia scandal, panics and throws Jared Kushner under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago bellyflop

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Senile Donald Trump is surprised to learn about a major personnel move he made two days ago

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Donald Trump goes berserk with rage after realizing he can’t fire FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Donald Trump is having a berserk incoherent senile Twitter meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Donald Trump goes on demented racist rant in Oval Office

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

James Comey comes out swinging at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

The phantom meeting between Robert Mueller and Donald Trump’s lawyers

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Donald Trump’s collapsing White House suffers resignation of second key adviser in two days

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

House Intel Committee investigation of Trump-Russia goes totally bonkers

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Resignations, warning shots, and shouting matches: Donald Trump’s Christmas from hell

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Jared Kushner is so busted

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Democratic Senator hints that Robert Mueller has a plant within Donald Trump’s ranks

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Donald Trump tries to go full dictator in the stupidest way possible

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Donald Trump is yelling around about “death” on Twitter, and it’s not going over well

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Former CIA Director joins Twitter, starts ripping into Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Steve Bannon is going down for Trump-Russia, and he’s trying to take Donald Trump down with him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Robert Mueller’s insurance policy against Donald Trump is kicking in

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Donald Trump just stupidly gave up his last bit of leverage

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

No wonder Corey Lewandowski was angrily yelling around in the Oval Office yesterday

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Donald Trump and his advisers hold panicked meeting which dissolves into fighting

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Donald Trump begins pushing FBI officials out of power who can prove his guilt

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Was Reince Priebus wearing a wire this week during his lunch meeting with Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 22, 2017

Key Trump-Russia figure announces his resignation from Donald Trump’s White House

By Bill Palmer | Dec 21, 2017

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