Donald Trump’s attack on the FBI backfires

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2017

Poor little Donald Trump just got his feelings hurt

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2017

Donald Trump has panicked meltdown about Pee Pee Tape

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2017

No news is good news

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2017

Donald Trump’s lost weekend

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2017

Robert Mueller’s next big move

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2017

Donald Trump totally blows it

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2017

President Obama gets the best of Donald Trump on Christmas Day

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2017

Donald Trump goes berserk about Christmas

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2017

WikiLeaks cyberterrorist Julian Assange makes bizarre panic move

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2017

Donald Trump sounds like a confused zombie during Christmas speech

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

Donald Trump reveals he’s too stupid to understand who his enemies are

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

Robert Mueller’s job just got a lot easier

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

Trump adviser says Donald Trump is too senile to know what he’s doing

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

Donald Trump uses Christmas Eve to promote violence against journalists

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

Donald Trump is having the worst Christmas Eve ever

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

FBI fires back, reveals just how screwed Donald Trump is in his Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

Donald Trump knows he’s toast

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

Sally Yates rips Donald Trump on Christmas Eve

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

Donald Trump is hallucinating

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

Sarah Huckabee Sanders sure would like to have this stupid tweet back

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

Donald Trump dissolves into whiny divisive stupid Christmas Eve meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

James Comey wants you to help save the FBI from Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 24, 2017

Robert Mueller’s holiday surprise

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Donald Trump changes his mind about tax bill signing for the dumbest reason possible

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Legal expert: Donald Trump just incriminated himself

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Looks like Robert Mueller’s meeting with Donald Trump’s lawyers didn’t go well for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

Donald Trump has become so senile he literally can’t count to five

By Bill Palmer | Dec 23, 2017

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