Oh come on, Trump you idiot

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2017

Now we know why Michael Flynn’s brother and son both had meltdowns this week

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2017

Donald Trump is confused

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2017

Now we know why Paul Ryan is suddenly talking about quitting

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2017

Hillary Clinton rips into Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2017

Robert Mueller goes for the jugular

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2017

Trump-Russia election hacking scandal just got even worse for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2017

Meet the 17% of Americans who are about to decide Donald Trump’s fate

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2017

Donald Trump goes berserk about Vanity Fair

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2017

Robert Mueller’s mole within Donald Trump’s team

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2017

Donald Trump’s latest idiotic tweet immediately backfires

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2017

Donald Trump’s latest remark about Jeff Sessions reminds of just how senile he’s become

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2017

It’s all closing in on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2017

Donald Trump posts bizarre tweet, quickly deletes it

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2017

Will the liberal sexism against Hillary Clinton ever stop?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2017

Ivanka Trump takes heat for tweeting photo of Confederate Flag

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2017

Here comes Donald Trump’s epic jealous meltdown about President Obama and Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2017

Here’s just how stupid Donald Trump is

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2017

Donald Trump unwittingly reveals that Michael Flynn has the goods to take him down

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2017

Even Republicans are slamming Mike Huckabee for his idiotic tweet in support of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2017

Michael Flynn Jr and Michael Flynn’s brother both go berserk

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2017

Donald Trump’s own top advisers think the 25th Amendment is about to be used against him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2017

Even Donald Trump’s new handpicked FBI Director has had enough of his crap

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2017

Donald Trump caught in one of his most idiotic lies yet

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2017

The real reason Robert Mueller hasn’t arrested Jared Kushner (yet)

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2017

Robert Mueller just scored a big victory toward taking down Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2017

Unsupervised and unstable Donald Trump takes out his frustrations on a “pile of garbage”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2017

Steve Bannon confesses that Donald Trump campaign conspired with Russia

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2017

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