Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after Steve Bannon rats him out in Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2018

Now we know why Donald Trump spent all day melting down yesterday

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2018

GOP adviser says we’re watching Donald Trump “cognitively decompose”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2018

The real reason Steve Bannon just confessed to “treasonous” Trump-Russia plot

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2018

How Orrin Hatch’s retirement affects the presidential line of succession

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2018

No one can even figure out what the hell Donald Trump is talking about

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2018

Busted: after marathon meltdown, Donald Trump caught deleting some of his errant tweets

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2018

Coke is it? Donald Trump has been ranting on Twitter for seventeen hours straight

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2018

Donald Trump might finish the night in a straitjacket

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2018

Donald Trump goes on his most crazed rant yet, threatens nuclear war, appears to brag about dick size

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2018

Donald Trump unwittingly gives away that the mother of all Trump-Russia bombshells is about to land

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2018

The real reason Orrin Hatch is suddenly bailing

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2018

Mike Pence makes another bizarre panic move

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2018

Sally Yates says what we’re all thinking about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2018

Donald Trump gives away that he thinks he’s going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2018

Has Steve Bannon cut a plea deal with Robert Mueller?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2018

How the Democrats retake the South in 2018

By Kevin Spann | Jan 1, 2018

British sources confirm Donald Trump’s Pee Pee Tape

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2018

Insider: Donald Trump’s scandals go far beyond what you can imagine, and Robert Mueller will expose all of it

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2018

Robert Mueller expected to arrest these five people in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2018

Robert Mueller is targeting Mike Pence too

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2018

Rudy Giuliani is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2018

Donald Trump Jr is in even more WikiLeaks trouble

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2018

Donald Trump’s weird new obsession reveals he’s feeling the heat

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump is openly rooting for the protesters in Iran

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2018

Lindsey Graham is being blackmailed

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2018

Donald Trump’s frustrated handlers make startling admission about him

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2018

Donald Trump kicks off 2018 by creating two international incidents in one morning

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2018

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