Two powerful Democrats added to Senate committee investigating Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2018

Oops: Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham get their comeuppance for their criminal Trump-Russia antics

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2018

Donald Trump may be on the hook for conspiracy to commit murder in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2018

Dianne Feinstein blows Trump-Russia scandal wide open by releasing the full transcripts

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2018

The show has reached a new low

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2018

Donald Trump’s football championship game disaster

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2018

Everything hits the fan

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2018

Sebastian Gorka goes rogue against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2018

Ivanka Trump’s bizarre new tweet gives the middle finger to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2018

Report: Donald Trump’s remaining advisers have “snapped”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2018

Donald Trump is so far gone, he doesn’t know the National Anthem

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2018

Is Lindsey Graham trying to signal to us that he’s being blackmailed?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2018

Donald Trump’s remaining advisers sink deeper into panic mode

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2018

New bombshell reveals Robert Mueller is much further ahead than anyone thought

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2018

Jeff Sessions is trying to finish the job

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2018

Donald Trump’s lawyers just fed him to Robert Mueller’s wolves

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2018

The Real Traitors of Trump Tower

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2018

Robert Mueller’s next big move

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2018

Donald Trump has bizarre late night “consensual” tantrum

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2018

Stephen Miller removed by security guards

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2018

Donald Trump now spends most of the day in bed

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2018

Did Donald Trump just slip up and admit he’s been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2018

Insider: Donald Trump is in even deeper decline behind the scenes than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2018

Donald Trump unwittingly tips off the date and time that a major Trump-Russia bombshell will land

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2018

Something is totally off about the GOP, WikiLeaks, and this new anti-Trump book

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2018

Donald Trump’s handlers are setting him up for a mental incapacity defense

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2018

Stephen Miller unwittingly gives away how screwed Donald Trump is

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2018

This is why Donald Trump will lose

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2018

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