Donald Trump’s attorney caught setting up fake company for Trump’s blackmailers

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2018

Trail of dead Russians confirmed

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2018

I need a shower and some bleach

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2018

Surreal new Trump-Russia revelation in newly released House transcripts

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2018

Donald Trump just backed himself into a no-win corner out of pure spite

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2018

The real reason Robert Mueller and Steve Bannon are putting on such a show together

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2018

There is a warrant out for Sebastian Gorka’s arrest

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2018

Unraveling Donald Trump lashes out at John Kelly

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2018

Donald Trump’s weird endgame

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2018

Donald Trump just handed out his “Fake News Awards” as his own world burns

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2018

Robert Mueller’s four dimensional chess against Donald Trump just got even more sophisticated

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2018

Donald Trump, the Republican National Committee, and the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2018

Donald Trump, his Ambien habit, and his increasingly bizarre behavior

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2018

Robert Mueller reveals that Steve Bannon and two others have flipped on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2018

Here’s what happens to Robert Mueller’s investigation if Donald Trump shuts down the government

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2018

Donald Trump finally gives out his Fake News Awards, and it’s even more embarrassing than imagined

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2018

Trump-Russia money trail blown wide open

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2018

Donald Trump’s “Fake News Awards” turned out to be fake news

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2018

Donald Trump just led Robert Mueller to the motherlode of Trump-Russia evidence

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2018

Donald Trump’s weird new obsession with Eric Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2018

Why the doctor misrepresented Donald Trump’s height and not just his weight

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2018

The Lindsey Graham blackmail caper gets even stranger

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2018

Donald Trump’s fake physical got even more fake today

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2018

The real story behind Steve Bannon’s berserk day of Trump-Russia subpoenas and testimony

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2018

Donald Trump launches into delusional meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2018

Donald Trump doesn’t appear to know who Kamala Harris is

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2018

New details about Donald Trump – Stormy Daniels affair further corroborate the Pee Pee Tape

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2018

Donald Trump trips over questions about money laundering and bone spurs, then throws reporter out

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2018

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