Here comes Donald Trump’s ugliest meltdown yet

By Bill Palmer | Jan 20, 2018

Robert Mueller’s lucky day

By Bill Palmer | Jan 20, 2018

Donald Trump makes history

By Bill Palmer | Jan 20, 2018

Donald Trump has turned into Jello

By Bill Palmer | Jan 20, 2018

Donald Trump goes off the delusional deep end

By Bill Palmer | Jan 20, 2018

More fallout from Donald Trump’s alleged affair with Nikki Haley

By Bill Palmer | Jan 20, 2018

Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s idiotic remark about the Women’s March

By Bill Palmer | Jan 20, 2018

“I alone can fix it”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 20, 2018

Donald Trump would like to have this stupid tweet back about the shutdown

By Bill Palmer | Jan 20, 2018

Donald Trump issues bizarre post-shutdown statement about “losers”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 20, 2018

#TrumpShutdown takes over Twitter after Donald Trump’s latest stupidity

By Bill Palmer | Jan 20, 2018

It sure sounds like Michael Wolff just accused Donald Trump of having an affair with Nikki Haley

By Bill Palmer | Jan 20, 2018

Michael Wolff says his book subtly reveals Donald Trump’s White House affair – is this the paragraph that exposes it?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

Michael Wolff reveals Donald Trump is currently having an affair in the White House

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

As everything unravels, Donald Trump melts down behind the scenes

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

Donald Trump Jr goes on television and makes the Trump-Russia scandal even worse

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

There are tapes of Donald Trump – and Omarosa has them

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

Confirmed: Russia had a mole in the CIA

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

Donald Trump tries to bribe Russian money laundering bank; instead it gives records to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

Donald Trump’s royal screw up

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

German bank rats out Jared Kushner to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

Senile Donald Trump incoherently switches sides during anti-abortion speech

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

Robert Mueller has a sealed “Indictment (A)” and it looks like it’s against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

Is Robert Mueller investigating Sean Hannity too?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

Robert Mueller is pursuing Donald Trump on charges that sound a lot like treason

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

Donald Trump’s own Department of Defense releases statement slamming him

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

Robert Mueller expected to arrest these five people in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2018

Donald Trump official forced to resign after calling for immigrants to be shot

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2018

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