Ivanka Trump has Hispanic chef thrown out of dinner party

By Bill Palmer | Jan 28, 2018

Have we found the new Deep Throat?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 28, 2018

Donald Trump launches into bizarre late night meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2018

Robert Mueller could seize Donald Trump’s assets while he’s still in office

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2018

“Frustrated” and “angry” Donald Trump is confused about why he’s headed to prison

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2018

Sean Hannity deleted his own Twitter account just for the attention

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2018

Jared Kushner is so busted

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2018

Melania Trump has reportedly moved out of the White House

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2018

Robert Mueller has recruited nearly Donald Trump’s entire team right under his nose

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2018

Gutless wonder

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2018

Sean Hannity posts bizarre tweet and then vanishes

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2018

Now we know why Don McGahn, Reince Priebus, and Steve Bannon all have the same lawyer

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2018

Donald Trump’s Saturday Night Ass-acre

By Bill Palmer | Jan 26, 2018

Donald Trump makes bizarre Twitter gaffe

By Bill Palmer | Jan 26, 2018

Now Donald Trump is trying to illegally fire someone else

By Bill Palmer | Jan 26, 2018

Donald Trump just screwed himself royally

By Bill Palmer | Jan 26, 2018

Trump-Russia investigation targets Stephen Miller

By Bill Palmer | Jan 26, 2018

Donald Trump and his attorney busted for illegally conspiring against FBI witnesses

By Bill Palmer | Jan 26, 2018

Dumpster Firing

By Bill Palmer | Jan 26, 2018

Donald Trump blew it

By Bill Palmer | Jan 25, 2018

Sean Hannity has crazed meltdown amid report that Donald Trump tried to fire Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Jan 25, 2018

Robert Mueller just won

By Bill Palmer | Jan 25, 2018

Robert Mueller really wants Donald Trump to know that White House Counsel Don McGahn has flipped on him

By Bill Palmer | Jan 25, 2018

Donald Trump wanted to fire Robert Mueller over a dispute they had about golf

By Bill Palmer | Jan 25, 2018

Donald Trump tried to fire Robert Mueller and it backfired on him spectacularly

By Bill Palmer | Jan 25, 2018

Donald Trump “fights back” by punching himself in the face

By Bill Palmer | Jan 25, 2018

Donald Trump’s lawyers are in total chaos

By Bill Palmer | Jan 25, 2018

House Republican admits he knows Donald Trump is going to be ousted

By Bill Palmer | Jan 25, 2018

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