Donald Trump tips off a major Trump-Russia bombshell

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2018

Donald Trump, Hope Hicks and prison

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2018

Now we know why Rachel Brand resigned from Trump’s DOJ

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2018

Donald Trump has a new Melania problem

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2018

Hope Hicks has one foot out the door

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2018

Donald Trump has meltdown over domestic abuse scandal

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2018

Donald Trump is losing the fight he picked with the FBI

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s Titanic

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2018

Donald Trump family feud

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2018

Donald Trump’s ticking timebomb

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2018

Donald Trump would like to have this tweet back

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2018

Mike Pence finds a new way to humiliate himself at the Olympics

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2018

Donald Trump holds disastrous press conference about alleged wife beater Rob Porter

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2018

Mass exodus underway tonight from Donald Trump’s failing White House

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2018

Donald Trump and Hope Hicks now appear to be feuding with each other

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2018

The real reason Rachel Brand is resigning from Donald Trump’s Department of Justice

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2018

What happened to Sarah Huckabee Sanders yesterday?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2018

Donald Trump Jr is so totally screwed

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2018

These people are disgusting

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2018

Donald Trump blows it

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2018

Donald Trump’s own former top people are suddenly eating him alive

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2018

Donald Trump launches into crazed late night meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2018

Wait, John Kelly did what?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2018

Looks like Donald Trump just made an enemy out of Hope Hicks

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2018

Rand Paul just totally screwed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2018

GOP Senator accuses Trump White House of tricking him into writing statement about Rob Porter

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2018

Everything hits the fan for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2018

The real reason Rick Gates is cutting a deal with Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2018

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