Robert Mueller revs up his bulldozer again

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2018

Intel expert: Paul Manafort will take down Donald Trump and the Trump family

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2018

Rick Gates just blew up Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2018

Jill Stein has crazed Trump-Russia meltdown on live national television

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk and misquotes himself, then quotes a Trump impersonator

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2018

Robert Mueller just played Donald Trump like a fiddle

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2018

As the Russia scandal gets uglier, Donald Trump gets into feud with his own National Security Adviser

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2018

Donald Trump has revealing meltdown about Russia indictments

By Bill Palmer | Feb 18, 2018

These indicted Russians are more screwed than you think

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2018

The stunning new Donald Trump scandal that everybody missed yesterday

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2018

Robert Mueller sounds the final all-call

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2018

Robert Mueller has Hope Hicks

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2018

Donald Trump’s Russian puppet show has been exposed. Now what?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 17, 2018

Robert Mueller continues his busy day by dropping the hammer on Paul Manafort

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

The Republican primary was rigged for Donald Trump too

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

Robert Mueller fires back after Donald Trump yells “no collusion” at Russian indictments

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

President Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

Robert Mueller is just brilliant

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

Donald Trump panics and unwittingly connects himself to today’s indictments of the Russians

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

Melania Trump kicks even more dirt in Donald Trump’s face

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

Here’s the part where Donald Trump finishes himself off

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

Robert Mueller has a sealed indictment up his sleeve and it’s probably against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

Robert Mueller just opened the door for treason charges against Donald Trump and his people

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

Yet another Donald Trump scandal is about to explode

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

Robert Mueller obtains guilty plea in Trump-Russia election rigging plot

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

Donald Trump goes on delusional bender after Robert Mueller indicts the Russians

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

About that whole “unwittingly” thing today between Donald Trump and the Russians

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

Rod Rosenstein strikes back and takes control

By Bill Palmer | Feb 16, 2018

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