Donald Trump descends into whacked out pre-dawn meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Feb 23, 2018

Donald Trump’s shapeshifting is finally backfiring on him

By Anthony Kawalski | Feb 23, 2018

The NRA’s Dana Loesch sinks to a Trumpian level of awfulness

By Allan Farley | Feb 23, 2018

Donald Trump’s projection problem

By Violet Rose | Feb 23, 2018

Donald Trump finds a new way to embarrass himself

By Reem Al-Omari | Feb 23, 2018

NRA’s Wayne LaPierre goes off the deep end

By Robyn Weaver | Feb 23, 2018

I got shot once. Here’s what I can tell you about semiautomatic weapons.

By Jamie Gilmore | Feb 23, 2018

It’s time for Americans to worry about Brexit

By James Smith | Feb 23, 2018

Here’s what’s going to take the Republican Party down

By Marilyn Mariola Hunt | Feb 23, 2018

Understanding the enemy

By Christin Palmedo | Feb 23, 2018

Here’s how we know the NRA is running scared

By Keith Chaput | Feb 23, 2018

Palmer Report editorial note: Welcome, new writers!

By Bill Palmer | Feb 23, 2018

Robert Mueller takes a blowtorch to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 22, 2018

Donald Trump and the Tide Pod kids

By Kristin Karnitz | Feb 22, 2018

Fighting fire with fire

By Brittnie Vorwerck | Feb 22, 2018

Trump misses the target with his latest nonsense

By Bruce C. Cohen | Feb 22, 2018

Post-Trump America

By Alan David Doane | Feb 22, 2018

Confirmed: Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner caught in Robert Mueller’s legal crosshairs

By Bill Palmer | Feb 22, 2018

Donald Trump and the NRA vs reality

By Tim Faulkner | Feb 22, 2018

The exorcism of NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch

By Kc Childs | Feb 22, 2018

Kill the NRA

By Palmer Report | Feb 22, 2018

Donald Trump’s big purge begins

By Bill Palmer | Feb 22, 2018

Plea deal between Robert Mueller and Rick Gates takes bizarre turn

By Bill Palmer | Feb 22, 2018

Robert Mueller swings for the fences

By Bill Palmer | Feb 22, 2018

Bloodthirsty Donald Trump has psychotic meltdown about guns

By Bill Palmer | Feb 22, 2018

Mental Illness is not the problem here

By Thaddeus Arjuna | Feb 22, 2018

Marco Rubio gets owned by Stoneman Douglas students

By Scotty Knight | Feb 22, 2018

No, Donald Trump, you dumbass

By Bill Palmer | Feb 22, 2018

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