Vanessa Trump hires criminal defense attorney amid Don Jr divorce. Here’s what that means for Trump-Russia.

By Bill Palmer | Mar 16, 2018

Looks like Robert Mueller has seven new sealed Trump-Russia indictments

By Bill Palmer | Mar 16, 2018

Donald Trump’s “red line” for Robert Mueller isn’t what you think

By Bill Palmer | Mar 16, 2018

Donald Trump’s window for firing Robert Mueller is now closed

By Tim Faulkner | Mar 16, 2018

Coincidence, or just the latest Trump-Russia diversion?

By Joan Brekken | Mar 16, 2018

The FBI seems to be taunting Donald Trump about seizing his assets

By Virginia Kugel | Mar 16, 2018

Turns out Rex Tillerson’s tenure was even more calamitous than we thought

By Marilyn Mariola Hunt | Mar 16, 2018

Donald Trump’s day from Hell

By Bill Palmer | Mar 16, 2018

Paul Manafort’s strange connection to the Miami bridge collapse

By Bill Palmer | Mar 16, 2018

Donald Trump’s idiotic H.R. McMaster flameout gets even worse

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2018

Get your popcorn ready: Trump-Russia figure Felix Sater is making his television debut

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2018

The one big mistake that will end Donald Trump’s presidency

By Gina Bradbury | Mar 15, 2018

Total chaos as Donald Trump’s White House now claims H.R. McMaster has not been fired

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2018

The real reason for Donald Trump’s firing of H.R. McMaster

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2018

Donald Trump and his goons can’t even figure out how to lie about Trump-Russia anymore

By Tim Faulkner | Mar 15, 2018

Donald Trump just stepped in it

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2018

Donald Trump Jr’s divorce and Trump-Russia asset seizures

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2018

Robert Mueller aims his bulldozer at the entire Trump Organization

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2018

Donald Trump just handed a huge credibility boost to Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2018

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump Jr’s reported divorce

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2018

What Democrat Conor Lamb’s special election victory really tells us about the November elections

By Kevin Spann | Mar 15, 2018

Donald Trump’s decision to hire the CNBC guy is even more disastrous than it sounds

By Marilyn Mariola Hunt | Mar 15, 2018

Republicans have no idea what just hit them

By Joan Brekken | Mar 15, 2018

Donald Trump has a whole new Trump-Russia mess on his hands

By Gina Bradbury | Mar 15, 2018

It’s official: Donald Trump’s stolen election has destroyed his entire family

By Bill Palmer | Mar 15, 2018

Is this about the Pee Pee Tape after all?

By Joe Corbett | Mar 15, 2018

Robert Mueller needs your help

By Virginia Kugel | Mar 15, 2018

Mike Pence must go

By Tim Faulkner | Mar 15, 2018

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