It took Donald Trump all of ten hours to completely fall to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2018

Donald Trump just blew it for his puppet master Vladimir Putin. Now what?

By Bill Palmer | Mar 24, 2018

Jared Kushner’s silence speaks volumes

By Virginia Kugel | Mar 24, 2018

Donald Trump just acknowledged he has zero political muscle left

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2018

Today’s Rod Rosenstein press conference really was about Trump-Russia, but everyone missed it

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2018

Has Mike Pence sold out Donald Trump to Robert Mueller?

By Tim Faulkner | Mar 23, 2018

Stormy Daniels teases photo/video evidence of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2018

Donald Trump’s new hire John Bolton has close ties to Cambridge Analytica and Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2018

Here’s how we know the big names in the Trump-Russia scandal are going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2018

The sheer stunning incompetence of Donald Trump’s firing of H.R. McMaster

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2018

Donald Trump’s Russia lawyers blow a gasket

By Frank V. D'Ambra | Mar 23, 2018

Confirmed: Russian government itself was the election hacker, communicated with Trump campaign about it

By Bill Palmer | Mar 23, 2018

Rod Rosenstein holding major Trump-Russia press conference

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2018

Donald Trump set himself on fire today: resignations, firings, sheer pandemonium

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2018

Donald Trump’s meltdowns reach their breaking point

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2018

Donald Trump campaign’s data firm Cambridge Analytica admits to knowing some voting results in advance

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2018

Donald Trump Jr is on the criminal hot seat, just days after his wife filed for divorce

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2018

Russian with ties to Donald Trump pleads guilty

By Gina Bradbury | Mar 22, 2018

Congressman Ted Lieu talks Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia contingency plan

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2018

Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia outs Jared Kushner as his puppet

By Tim Faulkner | Mar 22, 2018

What H.R. McMaster has up his sleeve against Donald Trump

By Virginia Kugel | Mar 22, 2018

Sean Hannity isn’t going to survive Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Tim Faulkner | Mar 22, 2018

Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia tentacles are ensnaring Donald Trump from all sides

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2018

Donald Trump’s “snow day” goes off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Mar 22, 2018

The real reason Robert Mueller just gave immunity to a key Trump-Russia witness

By Bill Palmer | Mar 21, 2018

Jeff Sessions just blew it, and he may have finally punched his ticket to prison

By Bill Palmer | Mar 21, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump is scared of Stormy Daniels

By J.H. Norton | Mar 21, 2018

Donald Trump has deranged meltdown about Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | Mar 21, 2018

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