Donald Trump’s ‘caravan of drugs’ meltdown goes even further off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

If this new report about Jared Kushner is true, he’ll die in prison

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

Is Melania Trump the next to go?

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

Robert Mueller’s newly revealed end-run for taking down Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 5, 2018

Donald Trump mistakenly celebrates terrible news for him in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bruce C. Cohen | Apr 5, 2018

The laws of politics will take Donald Trump down in the end

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

Third divorce in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher at center of Trump-Russia conspiracy

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 5, 2018

Fact check: has Donald Trump actually sent the National Guard to the Mexican border?

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

Donald Trump’s rapidly worsening cognitive failure is out of control

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

Robert Mueller has detained yet another Trump-Russia figure at the airport

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

No wonder Robert Mueller gave immunity to star Trump-Russia witness George Nader

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

Donald Trump has delusional meltdown after losing his trade war

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2018

The real reason Rudy Giuliani’s longtime wife is suddenly divorcing him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2018

Donald Trump no longer appears to know where Canada is

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2018

Ivanka Trump accused of attempted bribe

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2018

Donald Trump told “little boy” Jared Kushner to go home

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2018

Donald Trump’s “thoughts and prayers” remark blows up in his face

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2018

Donald Trump’s mass media war against the United States

By Virginia Kugel | Apr 4, 2018

Donald Trump’s “Infrastructure Week” comes to an abrupt end

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2018

Donald Trump Jr tries to politicize White House Easter event for kids, and it backfires on him spectacularly

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2018

As Robert Mueller closes in, Roger Stone resorts to surreal new defense

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2018

Hi, I’m Bill Palmer. Welcome to Palmer Report.

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2018

Scott Pruitt gets the “phone call of death” from Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 3, 2018

Robert Mueller laid a trap, and Donald Trump just walked right into it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 3, 2018

MSNBC analyst: Donald Trump is subject of Robert Mueller grand jury

By Bill Palmer | Apr 3, 2018

Yes, Donald Trump is indeed a “criminal target” in Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | Apr 3, 2018

Robert Mueller takes warning shot at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 3, 2018

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