Russia confirms it has 2013 Miss Universe dirt on Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 7, 2018

After all that bluster, Roger Stone has caved in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2018

Jared Kushner just conveniently found a pot of gold

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2018

Donald Trump launches into bizarre rant about Scott Pruitt

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2018

Donald Trump takes on President Obama and promptly loses

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2018

Parallels emerge between Robert Mueller’s takedowns of Donald Trump and John Gotti

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 7, 2018

The enduring nihilism of Donald Trump’s insufferable base

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2018

How dare the GOP ignore Donald Trump’s treason?

By Virginia Kugel | Apr 7, 2018

Is Roger Stone going for an insanity defense?

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2018

The numbers say that the November 2018 “Blue Wave” is indeed the real deal

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 7, 2018

Donald Trump prepares to go through with his dumbest mistake yet

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2018

Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia show trial

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2018

Paul Manafort’s Trump-Russia storage locker exposed

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2018

Donald Trump shoots himself in the other foot

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2018

Robert Mueller to Donald Trump: I’m coming for your money

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2018

This smells like a huge Trump-Russia distraction

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2018

Sorry, Donald Trump, you’re not going to intimidate me out of covering your criminal antics

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2018

All hell breaks loose in the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2018

Facebook’s disturbing ties to Russia

By Virginia Kugel | Apr 6, 2018

Robert Mueller has cornered Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2018

Donald Trump’s census antics exposed

By Bruce C. Cohen | Apr 6, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump is melting down about Amazon and Jeff Bezos

By Virginia Kugel | Apr 6, 2018

Robert Mueller has secretly been seizing Trump-Russia bank accounts since last year

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2018

Donald Trump just threw Michael Cohen under the bus the minute Robert Mueller targeted Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

Robert Mueller busts out subpoenas and search warrants, telegraphing his next big Trump-Russia arrests

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

Here’s a peek at how Paul Manafort cheated on Donald Trump’s behalf during the election

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

Donald Trump finally begins talking about Stormy Daniels, immediately gets caught in lie

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

Donald Trump’s goons are taking each other down like a bad episode of Game of Thrones

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2018

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