Donald Trump is suddenly obsessed with prison

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

James Comey needs to quit while he’s ahead

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

Donald Trump Jr caught up in Michael Cohen scandal

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

Weird feud between Donald Trump and Mike Pence comes to a head

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2018

Donald Trump’s legal team reveals its desperation as everything goes wrong

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2018

Donald Trump “erupts” at his staff as Russia scandal closes in

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2018

Donald Trump blows it on tax day

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 15, 2018

Donald Trump gives away that he thinks it’s all about to come crashing down on him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2018

Donald Trump’s lawyers in a tizzy

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 15, 2018

Donald Trump’s big Trump-Russia pardon blunder

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2018

Donald Trump’s response to the Pee Pee Tape

By J.H. Norton | Apr 15, 2018

The death knell for Donald Trump’s presidency

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2018

The Donald Trump tweet that could have been written by Russia

By J.H. Norton | Apr 15, 2018

Now we know Donald Trump really did time the Syria bombing to distract from Michael Cohen scandal

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2018

SNL just gave us a hint about how Robert Mueller will flip Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2018

White House suspiciously claims Mike Pence was in two places at once

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2018

What happens after Donald Trump is convicted of crimes?

By J.H. Norton | Apr 15, 2018

What just happened to Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2018

Roger Stone knows he’s next

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2018

We told you the end of Donald Trump’s presidency was on the table

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2018

Donald Trump’s attorney’s attorney is “missing”

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2018

Donald Trump admits the evidence seized in the Michael Cohen raid is against him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2018

Now we know how Donald Trump’s kids are going down

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2018

Michael Cohen’s oddly specific Pee Pee Tape denial

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2018

The real reason Donald Trump is so worried about Michael Cohen

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 14, 2018

Judge backs Michael Cohen and Donald Trump into no-win corner

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2018

Wow is this guy stupid

By Bill Palmer | Apr 14, 2018

James Comey’s revenge on Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 14, 2018

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