Donald Trump tips off that a major Trump-Russia bombshell is about to land

By Bill Palmer | Apr 17, 2018

The real reason Ivanka Trump is in trouble

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 17, 2018

Judge hints at bombshell in evidence seized against Donald Trump and Michael Cohen

By Bill Palmer | Apr 17, 2018

Wisconsin admits Donald Trump’s victory was illegitimate

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 17, 2018

Sean Hannity is just the tip of the iceberg

By Bill Palmer | Apr 17, 2018

Donald Trump’s pardon endgame

By J.H. Norton | Apr 17, 2018

Robert Mueller, Donald Trump and the Supreme Court

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 17, 2018

Women roar against Donald Trump

By Virginia Kugel | Apr 17, 2018

The potential NDAs that will end Trump’s presidency

By J.H. Norton | Apr 17, 2018

Sean Hannity seems to think he’s been caught on a FISA wiretap

By Bill Palmer | Apr 17, 2018

Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago disaster

By Bill Palmer | Apr 17, 2018

Why Robert Mueller just had the best day ever

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

Sean Hannity could now be looking at felony obstruction of justice charges

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

Here’s how I know Donald Trump is going down

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

It’s a whole new ballgame now

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

Did Donald Trump fall in?

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

Donald Trump just sold out Sean Hannity

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

Kellyanne Conway screws up and admits Donald Trump didn’t legitimately win the election

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

Judge rules against Donald Trump and Michael Cohen amid Sean Hannity revelation

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

Sean Hannity makes things even worse after it’s revealed Michael Cohen is his attorney

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

There’s something Donald Trump truly fears, and no one seems to get it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

Donald Trump’s legal team circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

We told you Sean Hannity was going down

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

There’s a Donald Trump tweet for every occasion

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 16, 2018

Michael Cohen and Hope Hicks are the key to Donald Trump’s demise

By Marty Stein | Apr 16, 2018

Hey Donald Trump, is that all you’ve got?

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

Does this idiot have an off switch?

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2018

Robert Mueller and James Comey are going to bury Donald Trump

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 16, 2018

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