Donald Trump desperately tries to distract from Rudy Giuliani revelation

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2018

Now we know why Rudy Giuliani’s wife left him when she did

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2018

Donald Trump’s new lawyer is Rudy Giuliani? This is even better than the Sean Hannity thing.

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2018

Hey Rudy Giuliani, we all know what you’re trying to pull here

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2018

This Donald Trump – Rudy Giuliani twist is even weirder than you think

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 19, 2018

The real reason Rudy Giuliani is suddenly joining Donald Trump’s legal defense team

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2018

Is Michael Cohen really flipping on Donald Trump?

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 19, 2018

Donald Trump goes dark

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2018

The real reason Michael Cohen just dropped his Trump-Russia suit

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2018

Donald Trump was warned that Michael Cohen may be wearing a wire

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

Something doesn’t add up about Donald Trump’s latest Twitter explosion

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

Michael Cohen’s taxi cab mystery

By Daniel Cotter | Apr 18, 2018

The real reason it’s too late for Donald Trump to stop Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

We’ve reached the asset forfeiture stage of the Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

National Enquirer caves in Trump-Cohen scandal

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

Donald Trump gives away something big about Stormy Daniels’ police sketch

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

Mitch McConnell gives away his guilt on Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

Donald Trump is saying his prayers

By Virginia Kugel | Apr 18, 2018

The real reason Sean Hannity claimed he used Michael Cohen for “real estate” advice

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

Donald Trump suddenly has a James Mattis problem

By Tim Faulkner | Apr 18, 2018

Donald Trump tips off that he thinks today is the big one

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

Donald Trump goes berserk, begins attacking Stormy Daniels

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

Donald Trump has weird pre-dawn Twitter meltdown, and no one can figure out what he’s saying

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

Donald Trump’s behavior grows even stranger as he circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

Donald Trump mistakenly hires new lawyer connected to Rod Rosenstein’s appointment of Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2018

Donald Trump botches statement on the passing of Barbara Bush, deletes it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 17, 2018

Donald Trump posts bizarre tweet about being a spy

By Bill Palmer | Apr 17, 2018

Sean Hannity is in even deeper than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Apr 17, 2018

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